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A/n - Anything in italics without '...' this is the flashback

While Jin was running behind Hoseok for breaking his vase, Jimin was laughing his ass off with Yoongi who was sleeping on him and Namjoon looked at the other at first confused but then started laughing with Jimin as Hoseok ran with Jin behind him and begging and shouting for someone to save him. 

Jungkook was peacefully sleeping in the guest room after taking the medicine or the antidote and as for Taehyung he first went to Jungkook's room to check on him as it was on the way to his room and then went to his room, he sighed as he heard the noise from downstairs and laid on the bed and started thinking about what happened in the room when he took Jungkook in there.

Taehyung's POV

I carried Jungkook to the guest which came in the way when I go to the room so that I can check on him. I, with one hand, opened the door with Jungkook still in my arms, I closed the door as soon as entered and laid him down on the bed and went out for the antidotes, I took them as fast as I can and came back to the room.

 I went to Jungkook when I was about to give him the antidote when he grabbed my collar and kissed me, I know the under was the effect of the drug but I don't know why I couldn't control myself and kissed him back. 

We kissed for a minute or two, then we pulled back for some oxygen after a few seconds of heavy breathing he was about to kiss me again but I couldn't do that to him, knowing that he was under drug effect so I quickly pulled back his hand and kept a poker face.

"Please help me" saying that he again tried to grab my collar but I stopped him again.

 "Just drink this" I handed him the drink he looked at him all confused with those big doe eyes looking cute "I said drink it" I said with a little rise in my voice he immediately backed up his hands with teary eyes. 

I sighed and sat beside him and asked him in the gentlest voice possible "Listen to me, drink and you won't have to do anything., also your Yoongi hyung is to be worrying about you, and if he knows that you are not taking the medicines then he will worry more right? You don't want that do you?" I asked, he looked at me and then medicines.

After a few seconds, he shook his sideways indicating a no, he took the drink and drank it all in one go. He gave the bottle back to me.

After about 30 to 40 seconds the antidote started to take the effect and he felt dizzy so I laid him down on the bed. He slept after a while, I looked at him for a few seconds and left from the room after closing the door quietly.

End of Taehyung's POV

Next day,

 In the morning, 

Taehyung was woken by Namjoon for breakfast. After doing his routine he went down to the breakfast table, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook were sitting on one side of the table Jin, Jimin and Taehyung were on the other side and Hoseok was in the middle of the table.

While they were having Jungkook looked at Hoseok and asked "Hyung, where did you get all these injuries from?"

"Umm.....I just-"

"He broke Jin's vase so he beat him up yesterday" Namjoon said controlling his laugh but started laughing when Jungkook laughed, except Hoseok and Taehyung all were laughing.

After breakfast, Namjoon said "Thank you for yesterday but now we should go back" Jimin and Taehyung were sad hearing that but didn't show it.

"You three are staying here with me, Jin, Jimin and Taehyung!" he said in a serious voice everyone knew that he is not joking and that it is something serious.


"No buts Namjoon you three are staying here and that's final I can't let you all stay with that bastard he already hurt you enough now I won't let it happen when I am here and that's final"

"Ok fine we will stay but what about-"

"You all can go shopping today " with that Hoseok completed the conservation the three had no choice but to agree to stay here. 

Hoseok knew it nobody would disagree cause no matter how much they try to hide it Hoseok saw it and as for Jin he was also a little sad but didn't accept it. Jin, Jimin and Taehyung were about to ask Hoseok why but they didn't when he said an eye signal that he will tell them later. They were all about to go to their room but stopped when Jungkook said Taheyung.

"Umm... Taehyung" they introduced themselves again at the breakfast table.

"Hmm.." Taehyung hummed as he turned towards Jungkook.

"Umm..... I am sorry for yesterday" he bowed and told everyone was confused.

"Kookie why did you say sorry to him??" Hoseok asked him.

"Umm... because"

"Because what??"  Yoongi added.

"Because I kissed him yesterday due to drugs effect" he said that all in one breath shutting his eyes close tight.

"You did what??!!" Hoseok asked in shock, all were shocked especially Jin Jimin and Hoseok thinking how is he still alive

"Wait that's why Tae was blushing yesterday after coming from the room" Hoseok said in shock

"He was what??!!" Jin and Jimin asked going more in shock before anyone could say anything Taehyung "It's okay" putting the three in more shocked he went to his room.

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