He paused, obviously trying to calculate my reaction. I was mind-blown, but the only thought running around my head is - what does that mean for us?

"Wow, mashaAllah that's amazing. Well done!" I was genuinely happy for him, but I was waiting for him to finish off and for the pin to drop.

"It wouldn't be a permanent position there, it would only be until a position opens up back here then if I take it, I will have the choice to transfer back." There was another silence.

"You're probably wondering what that means for us?"

"Yeah" I nodded. Wow, he had no idea how deep my heart was sinking. Was he about to tell me the wedding was off? I know we hardly know each other, but he is still my fiancé! We're planning a wedding, was it all about to end here?

He leaned forward onto the table slightly, before speaking again,

"Here's the thing, I am not going to let my career stand in the way of the more important things in life - my family. Thats why I wanted to come and speak to you. I wanted to know what you thought about it. I can't just pack up and leave, not without consulting the woman who is soon to be married to me." He smiled softly as he said those last words.

"What are you saying?" My voice was quiet, trying to decipher his thoughts.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to call off the wedding just because of a job opportunity. I just want your opinion. I want to know if you would be willing to come with me, to Dubai, after the wedding. It wouldn't be permanent. Or, if not, it's okay, we stay and another opportunity will come around inshaAllah... I understand it's a massive bombshell to drop on you right now, but your opinion really does matter to me. Take your time and think about, you can let my parents know whenever you've decided."

I stayed silent for another long moment, thinking about what he had said. "No." I said firmly. "I will not stand by and allow you turn down an opportunity like this. You have to take it."

He looked up at me for a brief second. "But what does that mean for us?"

"It means that if Allah wills for us to go, we go, but I am not letting a chance like this slip through through your fingers, not while I have the power to stop it. Junior partner is a big deal, go for it! and InshaAllah we won't ever regret moving there."

As he realised what I was saying he smiled, his smile reaching his eyes as he understood that I was serious.

"But I don't want to take you away from your family, your home, everything that is so familiar for you? I can't deprive you of all that, I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I'd done that to you."

"It would be an adjustment, yes. But it would also be an adventure, let's just see where it takes us."

My heart was pounding in my chest. Never in a million years did I expect that. I'd just made a massive decision without even consulting my family, but it just felt right and the peace that I felt after I did felt overpowering.

As we walked back into the living room I could see that the matter at hand had already been discussed. As mama sat with a sad look in her eye I went and sat beside her.

"Did you talk about it?" Uncle asked.

We both nodded.

"Take your time dear, its a big decision for you to make." Aunty said.

"Thank you, Aunty, but I have already made my decision." Mama and baba looked up at me and Sami looked alarmed by whatever I was about to say, and I could sense a pleading in his eyes, begging for me to say no.

"I am fine with moving away. I can't allow for an amazing opportunity that might never come back round to just go by. InshaAllah the adjustment of being away from our loved ones will be made easy and anyways, it wouldn't be forever."

Ehsaan smiled and looked down as I played with the hem of my sleeve.

"You made up your mind already honey?" mama whispered. She sounded slightly hurt, making me wince internally. Ouch, I never meant to cause her any pain.

"Aleena as hard as it is for me to say this, I know you are making the right decision. And we agree," both sets of parents nodded, "what better way to start your relationship than with a new journey for you both to embark on, a path not yet taken, an empty road for you both to pave your way and make a beautiful start to your married life InshaAllah." Baba spoke, while deep in thought. My father is a wise man, and if he agrees, then I am happy with my decision as I would never go against the wishes of my parents. I knew mama was only having a hard time coming to terms with it because I am her first daughter to leave her, and she simply was not ready to let go. I took her hand in mine and squeezed it gently, yearning for her approval and support.

"My love, you are a grown woman now and I am so proud of the person you have become. I respect your every decision, honey. I know in my heart it is best for you both. Go, spread both of your wings, and fly. But never forget your roots," she said, placing her other hand over my heart, "we will always be here for you no matter where in the world you are." She tried to laughed, wiping away the tears that ran down her cheeks.

Oh mama, oh baba, I can't even begin to imagine life without you - my confidantes and ropes to hold onto when times got tough.

I silently prayed,

Rabbirhamhuma kama rabbayani sagheera

'My Lord, bestow on them (my parents) Thy Mercy, even as they cherished me in my childhood.'

Let's all take a moment to thank Allah for our parents and all they have done for us in our lives. After all, none of us would be here today without them!

This chapter took me so long to write haha! I wanted it just perfect and I hope I delivered and you love it as much as I do...

What do you all think, did you see this coming or was it completely unexpected? 

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