Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"What the hell freckle face-"That wasn't even a question, sounded nothing like a question. Sounded more like an invitation to move my fat ass, but before I did that I looked up to see what was casting a shadow over me.

I think it might have been Barbie, only a real life version and with tackier hair and those fake eye lashes! Did she not have her make up artist put them on for her this morning? God and her fake tan looked awful as well. That foundation on her face, so unnatural it's rather annoying to look at.

"Oi! If you like me, ask me for my number!" The entire class laughed, but I didn't find that funny. But that was probably because I dwelled in excitement of examining her make up, her hair and her outfit a little bit too much.

"Sorry but your split ends could really use some conditioning, I can recommend a really good product if you'd li-" This time the class laughed louder, I still didn't find it funny I was being deadly serious.

"Oh sweetie, you actually think I'm going to take beauty advice from you?" Suddenly remembering that the only make up I wore today was fake freckles, I turned around and Riley was holding in his laughter.

"No, of course you wouldn't. I'll move right now-"I packed up my stationeries and began shuffling around. Just as I lifted my bottom from the lab chair Mr. Kingston our teacher walked in.

"Ah, girls making friends with our new member already?" I smiled excitedly and was convinced that this was true. Maybe this is just the culture here; I have heard that people have very interesting ways of greeting each other in the cities. They often address their best friends with an insult, she must really like me.

"Not really, she stole my chair though." The queen bee folded her arms, lent backwards waiting for me to be gone.

"Bree don't be silly, there are plenty at the back! Let our new member sit next to Riley this lesson. Riley is the best in the year, he can helping you and you will catch up in no time." Mr. Kingston dropped me a wink and a lopsided smile, quite scary so let's just leave it at that.

Bree turned her butt and walked towards the back, even so I could hear her sticking her pen in the pad of paper in a rhythm that I swear repeated "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you."

"So the isomers are... Are you alright?" Riley had his pen on the textbook and asked.

"Sshh" I shushed him to listen more closely to Bree's tapping making sure I wasn't just imagining that was her way of telling me I'm going to die soon.

"Can you hear that?" I asked Riley with my ears still eavesdropping into their conversation hoping not to find any trace of my name in it, wait she doesn't even know my name.

"Hear what?"

"She's tapping her pen to tell me she's going to kill me!" I hissed. Riley stared for a second then burst into quiet laughter. Mr. Kingston heard this and asked me a question.

"Pippa, can you tell me the molecular formula for Ammonia?" Okay, NOW she knows my name.

"Yeah, umm...NH3"

"Well done." Mr. Kingston carried on with the lesson, and I swear Bree shot an evil glare straight through my back.

The lesson ended and to my surprise, Lily and her friend approached me first. This day is going pretty well considering the circumstances...

"You are extraordinary! "One blonde girl couldn't stop laughing, had her hand on my left shoulder to have me support her when she was dying with laughter.

"Yeah nice one newbie. You managed to separate the Queen Bree and Riley AND got him talking to you." Lily said in her coolest manner.

"Did you hear her when she talked about the split ends?" The two of them just took it in turns to laugh.

"Hey Pip, we can officially hang out now. It won't be so embarrassing having you sit next to us at lunch right Louise?"

Oh good, some friends at last.

And with that me, Lily and Louise made our way to the canteen. I only needed one taste of the pasta to recognise it as inedible. I'm really picky with food; all of the royal cuisines are tailored to both me and my father's different likings.

"So why did Bree get so upset? She wanted to kill me over a chair-" Thinking about it, I didn't really do anything wrong.

"It wasn't about which chair you sat on, it was who sat on the chair next to you." Riley?

"There's something the entire school doesn't understand. Every other guy would jump at the chance of getting to know a smoking hot girl like Bree, but not Riley." Louise lowered her fork so she could lean in and whisper.

"Rumour has it that Riley..." I stared at the two of them but they hesitated to say something.

"Rumour has it that?"

"Riley's you know, his thing couldn' know...." Louise's hand gestures were particularly entertaining, just saying.

"You don't think that he could just be, you know, gay?" Okay, the face the girls pulled when I said that was more entertaining.

"I'm not gay." All three of us jumped apart from each other to see Riley standing behind me with his lunch tray. "And my penis works fine, thanks for the concern."

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