20. Where were you?

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20. Where were you?

I woke up later in the evening alone in bed. I moved off the bed and picked up Yeols tshirt on the floor and put it on. It covered my ass so that was fine.

I was so tired but shockingly I didn't feel a lot of pain. I looked around and saw a soothing cream by the bedsite table. I guess Yeol sorted me out while I was passed out. I felt warm inside thinkimg about how he took care of me after that crazy sex. Damn he is just so amazing.

I walked out of the bedroom and followed the delicious smell that caused my stomach to growl I'm complaint.  When I finally entered the kitchen I wasn't sure if I was hungry for the food or the man cooking it.

Yeol was wearing sweat pants low on the waist and a pair of glasses and nothing else. Damn how can a man be so sexy.
"you're up. You came right on time. I'm done with dinner" Yeol said as he walked towards me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist before leaning down and giving me a deep kiss.
"I figured you would ne starving after that workout we had" he said.
"I'm famished. I could swallow a whole cow"
"Just wait for desert baby. I will give you something good to swallow" Yeol said before kissing me again. When he was done he spanked my a** and told me to sit by the dinning table as he served our food.

Halfway through our delicious meal I decided to break the silence.
"Where were you? This whole week. Why did you ignore me?" I kept my face on my food not sure if I was ready for his answer. It took a whole minute before I got my answer.

"I went home to ... settle some things" he said.
"Oh okay. What exactly where these things? If you don't mind telling me or not. Its not like I'm your boyfriend or whatever. You can do what you want and its none of my business and..." I was shocked when I felt lips on my own shutting me up.

"Is that what you want?" Yeol asked as he kept close with one hand on my cheek.
"What?" His kiss left me a bit disoriented.
"To be my boyfriend" Yeol smirked.
"Ummm... yes or no or whatever..." Yeol kissed me again.
"Do you trust me?" I looked into his eyes before noding.

"Words baby"
"Yes. I trust you"
"Then from now on tell me what's on your mind. Don't be scared even if its demanding. You are my property as much as I am yours. I told you its too late to get rid of me now. And in turn I will be honest with you and trust me some of the truth is f**ked up but I won't allow you to leave me. I'm too far gone to let this a** go" Yeol said as he grabbed my ass and kissed me again.

"Okay. I... I want to be with you... Officially as a couple. No one else just us. I'm just as jealous as you. I don't want to share you with anyone" I confessed and leaned forward to kiss him.
"Good. That's what I wanted to hear" he said as he kissed me one more time before heading back to his seat.

"Now get ready because I'm about to tell you my biggest darkest secrets" Yeol said with a smirk and I had a feeling this was definitely a point of no return.


What do you think Yeol is about to tell Baek?

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