16. Where is he?

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It was been a week since Yeol f*cked me into oblivion. Like literally so hard I passed out. I couldn't even get out of bed the next day. One reason I have started to go to the gym because he made me realise I'm so out of shape.

But that's the least of my problems.  That day I woke up alone. He just left and didn't even leave a note or text me. I haven't even seem a glimpse of him all week. I want to text him and I'm so tempted to but what do I even say.

I don't even know if that was a one night stand or... or anything else. Anything would be better than nothing. You can't give a man a taste of heaven and then rip it away completely. Maybe the guys were right. Chanyeol was a hard nit to crack and I would never be able to get more than a good f**k. I shoukd appreciate the little I got right. 

I honestly felt pathetic.  I really do like Chanyeol now. I can't even chat with @Loey because he also seems to have disappeared somehow. Damn it this is so heartbreaking. Is this what rejection feels like. Its sucks. I really didn't think I would fail.

"Baekkie you alright?" Luhan asked. He had come to visit us after Friday lessons were over.
"I'm fine"
"Now I know something is wrong because you usually complain when I call you Baekkie" Luhan said worried.

"He has been this way since I got back and won't tell me what's up" Kyungsoo said defeated. I honestly didn't want to face it but what's the use. It happened and I can't take it back now.
"You can tell us when you feel like it but you're now depressing me so lets go out for icecream" Luhan said as he got up and Kyungsoo agreed. So they both dragged me out.

All was going well. Luhan told me his dumb stories and we had a good time. Kyungsoo almost murdered him for revealing an embarrassing childhood story but luckily I saved his ass and calmed the angry beast. We decided to get some takeout at a nearby cafe for dinner.
All was going well until I saw Yeol at a table with some beautiful girl. She leaned over and placed her hand on his with a flirty smile and that was enough for me and I turned and rushed out before he noticed me.


What do you think is going on with Yeol?

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