Chapter 23 ➛ Childhood Stranger

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Lillian's P.O.V (Third Person)

She was pacing the room nervously, overthinking once more what she'd seen. She had still not found any kind of affirmation of her discovery and it had started to affect her. Anxiety had rooted deeply in her chest and it stung whenever she thought about something that was even remotely related to Naomie and you.

The mole she'd planted within the Greater Good she now used for private matters. However, any displayed emotional involvement in the case would betray her vulnerabilities. And that was something she couldn't let happen.

She seated herself with a frown, biting her nails as she leaned forward, watching the door anxiously. Somehow the idea of her mother being alive and somewhere out of reach terrified her. She needed confirmation of her passing before she would be able to sleep again.

Night had fallen hours ago and the windows had no purpose in the darkness. There was a slight shade of colour on the horizon, which she knew meant the day would be starting in a matter of hours.

Days had passed since you left with Robert and Alyx, this she knew because of her mole. She knew that you had set out to find her, which made her feel even more dreadful. Because of the fact that she wasn't the only one to have seen her, making it more likely for her to be real. And since she was not the one to have planned this, she was unable to think of any other possibilities to calm her mind that would play out to her liking. All that could happen now would work against her.

She grabbed her head in anguish and closed her eyes, taking several deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. She was paranoid for no reason. Naomie was dead, and the next report would prove it.

The sun peeked over the horizon, sending faint rays of light and colour up in the air above. The clouds hung low in the sky, mingling with the pallet of the morning shades. They were dark and dense and even a fool could tell that bad weather was approaching.

Her gaze scanned the sky outside, dread and misery taking root in the pit of her stomach. It was only when she noticed a speck of black against the light of the upcoming sun that she felt a sudden wave of euphoria. She knew what was coming to her. It was her saving, her ability to sleep flying back in her arms.

Her spy was about to report back to her. And once she knew where you were, there was little time to waste.

Robert's P.O.V (Third Person)

His wings were beating against the strong wind. His feathers ruffled and he noticed he was starting to grow weary, his energy running low. At least they'd let him keep his ability to apparate. If he had to cross the sea before you woke up, it would've been an impossible feat.

His wings were beating tirelessly on the wind and he finally noticed the building. The one he was supposed to enter while airborne. He had not yet figured out how it was expected of him to enter, but that would all become clear once he came close enough. At least, that's what she'd said.

As he neared the building, foot by foot, he grew anxious. If he wouldn't manage to report to her in time, there would be consequences he was unable to face.

He reached the building, entirely exhausted. He had still no idea how he was supposed to get inside when suddenly, his vision started swimming before his eyes and a moment later he was standing inside the office.

His human body had been returned to him, he noticed, as he looked down at his hands and feet. She only gave him several seconds to enjoy being back in his own body. Because as soon as he noticed her, standing before him, her face stoic and grey eyes staring directly into his, he froze and she started bombarding him with questions...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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