Chapter 17➛All of Me

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The door closed behind me and I slowly made my way to the bed where Alyx's form was lying beneath the covers.

Her eyes were closed and she looked peaceful, as her chest slowly rose and fell. A warm feeling was building up in my chest and a smile came to my lips. But it faded when her breath hitched and she opened her eyes to look up at me.

''Did I wake you?'' I asked her uncertainly as I sat down. She shook her head and smiled, ''It's fine,'' she said as she stretched and scooted over to me. ''How'd it go?'' she asked softly as she took my hand.

I took a breath and squeezed her hand gently, ''Unexpectedly good, actually,'' I said as I stared at the wall expressionless. ''That's good, isn't it?'' she said as she tried to catch my gaze. I looked at her and frowned.

''It is. Of course it is. But he was behaving...strangely,'' I said absent-mindedly. Alyx watched me uncertainly. ''What do you mean? Strange how?''

I shrugged and looked at her. ''He was saying he 'understood' and he even gave me advice. Doesn't that sound odd?''

I was wondering if maybe he had experience with the situation Alyx and I were currently in. He was certainly talking about it like he had, but I just couldn't imagine him and...

''Maybe he was just trying to assure you? He has been a little more fatherly, lately, hasn't he? Maybe he's progressing?'' Alyx suggested. A sigh escaped my lips. ''He might. But I think something else was going on, too,'' I said softly as I looked at her.

She smiled at me and brushed my hair from my eyes as she cupped my cheek. ''Whatever it is, the fact that he accepts this remains the same,'' she whispered as her hand slid down to my neck and she looked into my eyes, searching for a reaction.

It was only then, that a smile broke my lips and I raised an eyebrow, watching her grin at me before I slowly leaned in and replied in a whisper, ''Well, that's really all that matters, isn't it?'' before our lips met and she smiled, running her hand through my hair as she leaned back against the wall.

The day went by quite uneventful as Alyx and I joked around a little. We broke some rules, steered clear of other people and went outside for a bit. However, I was cautious not to be seen by anyone and my mind was alert as we strolled through the forest. I urged Alyx to stay close to the castle so we could retreat when necessary.

Once we returned to my chambers, I noticed that Robert had returned. He was sitting on the dresser, ruffling his feathers as we entered. I wondered how he had managed to get in. I knew for certain that the window had been closed when we left. But my thoughts were quickly forgotten as he soared toward me, settling on my shoulder.

He croaked cheerfully as he spread his wings, looking at me sideways. Until he suddenly froze and gently touched the sensitive scar on my cheek with his beak. ''It was the crazy woman from the graveyard,'' I explained softly, as I swallowed. I had been trying not to think about what had happened because every time it returned to my mind, a sickening feeling came to the pit of my stomach. So I tried to keep myself occupied.

''But where have you been? I haven't seen you in a long time,'' I said with a smile as he hopped off my shoulder and soared to the bed, settling down, tucking his wings away.

He croaked and watched me knowingly as his gaze was switching between me and Alyx. I grinned at him and raised my eyebrows. ''You're a pain,'' I whispered as a grin broke my lips and I took Alyx's hand.

There was a knock on the door and it opened a few seconds later. I let go of Alyx's hand and sent her an apologetic smile as I faced the door.

Grindelwald's head appeared around the corner, peeking inside before fully opening the door. ''Just checking if you were 'busy','' he said to me as he entered the room. I rolled my eyes at him but smiled. ''What can we do for you?'' I asked him as I went to stand next to Alyx.

A Living Shadow ➣Gellert Grindelwald X Reader!DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now