Chapter 37

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"It's more... dome-shaped... than I imagined." Arthur says as he stares through the binoculars at the building across the town. He's stood on the balcony of his five-star hotel in the centre of Florence. From his room, there is a perfect view of the Florence Cathedral, and the various other historical buildings.

"Well, obviously." Grace rolls her eyes affectionately, taking the binoculars that had been offered to her, "They called it 'Il Duomo' for a reason, dumbass."

"Sorry, I forgot you were the single, smartest person in the universe." Arthur teases, crossing his arms.

"I can't help it that I'm amazing." Grace responds with a cheeky grin, brown eyes twinkling adorably.

Arthur smirks, and looks at her with tender eyes, "Yes, you are."

Grace places the binoculars down on the table in the centre of the balcony, then steps back inside through the extravagant French doors.

"I still think this room is excessive." She announces, flopping down onto the King-sized four poster bed. It's dressed in fresh pressed linens which are decorated with gold accents. Bouquets of flowers litter the entire room, freshly picked and placed every other morning. There is a room service trolley tucked neatly in the corner which is taken out and replaced before every meal.

"I don't get to splash my cash often," Arthur reasons, following Grace and walking over to the bed to stand over her, "Don't you like it?"

Grace raises a teasing eyebrow, "I like it... but I think my choice was fine. You just wanted to be boujee."

"I wanted to treat you." The brunet says with a pout, before leaning down and pressing his lips to Grace's tenderly, "You deserve it, for what I put you through."

Grace frowns when they depart, "We're both at fault here. I should've believed you when you said you loved me. Instead I listened to my insecurities and I gave you up willingly."

"Perhaps," Arthur says, then pushes Grace onto her back and collapses on top of her. He adjusts himself so that he's leaning on his forearms, trailing a few fingers along the side of her face, "But you did it to spare me the pain of choosing. In reality, I should have been mature enough to stand up for myself."

"But you did in the end." Grace smiles, reaching a small hand behind Arthur and stroking his back affectionately.

"After getting a kick in the backside from you... And my dad."

"Your dad?" Grace jerks, giving him a funny look, "What did he say?"

Arthur smiles, tucking his face into the crook of her neck, giggling awkwardly. He kisses the soft skin there briefly, taking a large whiff of Grace's sweet scent, then he pulls his head back to look at her.

"He told me to do what makes me happy."

"And so, you're here doing me?" Grace jokes with an eyebrow cocked and one side of her mouth turned upwards.

"Well... Bex is like my sister, so doing her was out of the question."

Grace laughs and smacks Arthur's arm in faux anger. She pushes his shoulder hard enough for him to roll over onto his back beside her.

She rolls onto her side, so that she can stare at him from her current position. He turns his head, looking straight back, into the dark chasms of her eyes.

"I love you, Sunshine." Arthur says with such certainty in his voice that Grace has to blink twice to stop herself from being overwhelmed.

"I love you too, Arthur." Grace responds, a shy smile creeping onto her face.

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