Chapter 18

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Collapsing onto his desk chair, Arthur lets out a heavy sigh. He runs one large hand through his light brown locks and uses the one other to log into his computer. Once inside he opens the video chat app on his desktop and finds his parents' account. He checks the time.


Arthur's parents had asked him to be available for video meetings at least every other day at 2:30pm. It's a safety thing mostly, they have to make sure their son is alright, especially now that he's the future king of England, who know what's after him.

He clicks the call button and straightens his dark blue shirt. His mother would have a fit if she saw him looking anything less than respectable.

"You dress how you will be perceived in the world." She told him whilst styling his hair. They had people for that, employees, but his mother always insisted on taking care of her children. "The effort you put into your appearance reflects the effort you put into everything else you do."

She then turned him around to face the floor length mirror. With delicate, manicured hands, she grabbed him by the shoulders and squeezed softly. She leaned down to press a sweet kiss to the side of her son's head, then rested her cheek against his, smiling at him through the mirror.

"My handsome boy." She stared at him proudly, "You are destined for greatness."

"How?" Arthur looked at her, confused, "I'm not going to be king."

His mother chuckles, "My sweet boy, you don't need power to be a great man. All you need is to give the world the best you can, knowing you have done something positive."

Arthur smiles at the memory. Though his mother can be a... prickly woman, the love she has for her children is unparalleled. Arthur knows it's killing her that he has to give up his happy life and future in order to fulfil his duties.

"Hello, Sweetheart!" Alexandra exclaims upon seeing her son's face. She is a beautiful woman. Her hair is black, pin-straight, full, and shiny. Her face is slim and angled, a trait that Arthur had inherited. Her eyes are almond shaped, and unlike Arthur's which are a rich chocolate brown, her irises are honey brown, and almost golden in the light.

Despite all of this, her beauty comes from her smile. It is wide, not comically so, but enough to be inviting. It causes her eyes to crinkle up slightly, making her look less than perfect, humanising her. It's what drew Arthur to Grace, he realised not too long ago. Both his girlfriend and his mother have smiles that ease you, that make you feel like you're in the presence the sun itself.

His mother would like Grace.

"Hi, Mum." Arthur greets her, "Dad's busy?"

Alexandra sighs, "Yes." She frowns, "The coronation is just around the corner. No one is letting him have a minute to rest."

"I doubt he'll ever have a minute's rest now that he's the King."

"Don't say that." She tells him sadly, "It doesn't give me much hope for your future."

Arthur grins at her, "Don't worry, Mum, I'll be fine."

"I know you will, honey." Her eyes suddenly take on a mischievous glint. Arthur narrows his gaze suspiciously.

"What is it?"

"Have you been reading the newspapers recently?" She asks innocently.

"What?" He says confused, "You're the one that told me specifically not to!"

She waves a hand dismissively, "Where else am I supposed to find out about your love life?"

"From me!" Arthur exclaims.

"Well when were you going to tell me about that girl you were seen with? The one on our last call?" Alexandra asks, one perfect eyebrow raised.

"Excuse me?"

"The tall one. Blonde hair."

"Rebecca?!" Arthur laughs, "What on earth are you talking about?! I already told you, we aren't together!"

"Well then why were you seen walking about with her?" His mother presses.

"Because we're friends! I have a girlfriend, Mum. You know this."

"Well where is she then? If she's your girlfriend then surely you'd want her to meet your mother."

"I... I do." Arthur sighs, "She's just nervous."

"Nonsense." Alexandra rolls her eyes, "I'm a delight."

Her son's eyes shoot up to look at hers, "But she doesn't know that."

Then Arthur sighs and slouches into his chair. His mother gives him a disapproving look for that ("Your posture will suffer, Arthur") but he ignores her.

"It doesn't matter anyway... She probably wants nothing to do with me."

Alexandra feels a tug at her heartstrings. The look on Arthur's face is gut-wrenching and pitiful.

"What happened?" She asks, concern taking over her face.

Another heavy sigh erupts from Arthur's lips, "I just said something I shouldn't have. Something that I knew would upset her."

"Well... did you mean to upset her?"

"No!" Arthur denies vehemently, "I-I would never... I was just frustrated."


"Grace- Grace is... amazing... phenomenal." Alexandra notes the sparkle in her son's eye, "But she doesn't see that." A huff. "That's what's frustrating. I'm tired of having to tell her how perfect she is. I just want her to see it... To stop hurting."

"Is that why she doesn't want to meet me?" Alexandra guesses, suddenly understanding, "Because she thinks she isn't good enough for you?"

Arthur nods, looking visibly exhausted, as if he's gone through this thought process a million times in his head.

Alexandra's entire body sags. The revelation is bittersweet. Six months ago, she would have been delighted at this news. All a mother wants for her child is for them to be treated like the precious jewel they are. To hear that the woman Arthur is besotted with knows how wonderful he is, how lucky she is to be loved by him... It should sooth her heart. But now her son is the future King of England. The person he marries won't just be marrying him, but the entire country. And so, she would have to be strong or be loved. And by the sounds of it, Alexandra isn't sure that this 'Grace' character is going to be either.

There is only one way to be sure.


I am SO sorry! I had planned to get this chapter written straight after the last, but with everything going on in the world, I needed to take a few days off to just do nothing.

I didn't want to write because it felt weird to do normal things when the world is anything but normal right now. Especially with the nature of this book, it just didn't feel right. But I'm ready to jump back into it. 

I have another chapter already written which I'll be posting tomorrow 

Serena x

(P.S: I pray for the day we can say all lives matter, because then, finally, it means that black lives will be included. Until then, remember, Black. Lives. Fucking. Matter.)

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