Chapter 9 : Misconceive Part 3

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Hiding behind a pole staring with overwhelming annoyance. Seeing Ethan walking alone with Lynn. "What is that lovely atmosphere?!"

"Dear Mort... Your Lynn has been stolen..." Alp said beside me with a tease face.

Biting my own clothes irritably. "Is he wanting to steal my Lynn? Unforgivable! I'm going to kill him now!" Myself emitting my evil darkness aura.

"So, what are you going to do now? At this rate Ethan will fully steal your Lynn."

"What should I do? No way I immediately entered between them and separated them." But what Alp says is true. If it took this long, Ethan would take Lynn completely.

Krishna is approaching us. "What are you two doing hiding here sneaking?" She looks where we see where Lynn was walking alone with Ethan.

"Lynn! Can you come with me? Mr. Kenneth wants to see us now!" She shouted and waved, calling Lynn.

"... Krishna! Okay!" Lynn shouted back and immediately ran towards Krishna leaving Ethan behind.

"What reason would Mr. Kenneth want to meet me?" Lynn asked.

"Well, that's just a lie... I just want to call you." Krishna said that while laughing.

"What! Why would you do that?"

Lynn and Krishna left this place ignoring both of us. Before they were far from us, Krishna turned her face and gave me a wink.

Did Krishna already know that I like Lynn? And she helped me earlier? How did she know? Oh, maybe Alp has already told her before. "Damn you Alp! Why did you tell other people!" Alp put an innocent face. "But, thanks for that!"

Should I take action faster? I still feel embarrassed about being close to Lynn. Every time I get close to her, my heart beats very fast. Ah! I really like her!


Worrying about what to do now makes my appetite less. Playing with my spoon and food alone at a table separate from the table of the soldiers. Alp and the others are busy teaching some holders. My family already ate first. The commotion that filled this dining room was lonely on my part.

"You alone Mort? Can I sit next to you?" Ethan asked, bringing his food on a board.

Here comes my love rival! I gave him a smile, so he would not know my annoyance with him. "Sure!" I said while I sip my drink.

Come to think again, he still doesn't know that I like Lynn either, probably.

He put his food on the table and started to sit next to me. He eats normally while I eat slowly because of my lack of appetite.

His food was almost gone, while I still only finished half of it.

"Mort, I heard you were Lynn's classmate..." Said while chewing his food.

"Eh?" I nodded. "Umm, why do you ask?" Asked in a stiff voice. Why did he ask about Lynn?

With a flushed face he asks. "I want to ask you something, does Lynn have a boyfriend right now?"

I immediately choked hearing his question. Why did he ask if Lynn had a girlfriend or not? And why is his face blushing? Don't tell me he really likes Lynn? Well, I haven't heard that Lynn has a boyfriend, so I gave him the answer by shaking my head.

He let out a sigh. "Thank goodness if I haven't..." He rested his hand on my shoulder and whispered. "If you ask why I ask that kind question, that's because I like Lynn! And I want to get her as my girlfriend today!"

He took all his cutlery and started to stand up from the dining table leaving me a smile and a few words. "Wish me luck!" Ethan walks away back.

My mind started to wipe; I don't know what to do. felt like a heavy load piled up in my chest. My appetite immediately disappeared, perfectly listening to Ethan's words. He will start a move today. Will Lynn accept it? My selfishness is overflowing. I hope Lynn won't accept him.

My trembling voice escaped from my mouth repeating the same words many times. "I hope this will be okay!"

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