Chapter 25

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Gabby's POV

                "Your mean!" I yelled at Myles.

                "Oh shut up you brat." He responded.

                "Abel, I want my mommy and daddy." I said to him trying not to cry. I was trying to be a big girl. We were huddled together in the back corner of the van.

                "I will protect you Gabby, our daddies and uncles will save us."he said as he took my hand and held tight. I was scared, I wanted my mom, and Maverick. We drove for a long time and when we stopped I could hear yelling outside.

Ima's POV

                "You fucking idiot, you were only supposed to take the girl, I didn't want Jax involved." I yelled at Myles.

                "I am sorry baby, But I had no choice, I couldn't hurt Abel." Myles pleaded with her. I had seduced Myles not long after Happy's whore had come back to town. My plan was to use him to get Happy here then him and the girl were gonna die and I would get my man.

                "Whatever, they are both gonna die anyway."I said before yanking the door open. Both kids jumped and tried to move away.

                "Welcome to your new home for the time being." Ima said as two big guys came out of no where and grabbed the kids. Both started screaming and kicking as they were pulled from the van.

                "ABEL!" Gabby yelled as they were pulled apart.

                "GABBY!" Abel yelled back as they reached for eachother.

                "How pathetic you two are." I said laughing as she watched the guys carry the kids to a run down hotel in the middle of no where.

                "Soon Happy, you will be mine." I said as I stared down the road.

Happy's POV  - SOA Clubhouse

                "What is the plan?" Juice asked.   All the men were in the chapel, trying to figure out the next move.

                "We need to put this out to the Mayans and the Niners, get Nico here, maybe his girls have heard something from Ima, I know she had been trying to make her  way into that scene."Jax said.

                "So we sit and wait?" I snapped. I was pacing the back of the room. I was ready to explode. My baby was missing and in the hands of a psycho woman. I needed to fix this.

                "Hap, Abel is gone too, I want to go hunting myself but we have to do this right, we have to make sure that the kids can be extracted safely and with the least exposure to what Myles and Ima are gonna get done to them for this." Jax said.

Ring ring

Everyone stopped and stared at me. I realized it was my phone, I answered it quickly, putting it on speaker phone. Juice started to track the call.

                "Hello." I said.

                "Daddy, the mean lady has me." Gabby cried into the phone.

                "Gabby..."I yelled.

                "Yeah Daddy, the mean lady has her. I also have another unexpected visitor, Jax your son if just like you, protecting his woman. They are so sweet too bad they will be dead soon if you don't listen Happy." Ima said.

                "What do you want Ima?" I asked fear and anger running through my body.

                "Simple, I want you." She said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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