Chapter 14

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Izzy's POV

"MOMMA WAKE UP!." Gabby yelled as she ran into Happy's room and climbed on the bed and jumped on me. I rolled over to grab her and seen Happy walking into the room.

"Gabby, I told you not to yell at your mom." He said chuckling alittle.

"But Daddy that's not fun." She said before looking back at me.

"Can I go with Daddy on his bike?" she asked.

"Over my dead body." I said.

"Please momma?" she begged.

"No Gabriella, you are too small." I said sitting up.

"Your mean." She said flopping down and starting to pout.

"Gabby you apologize to your mom, I told you no already but you wanted to ask your mom, when you get bigger I will buy you your own bike." Happy said. I shot him a look that made him raise his eyebrows at me.

"Yay, really daddy, sorry momma." Gabby said jumping up and running across the bed and jumping in Happy's arms.

"Happy you can't make promises to her that you aren't gonna keep, she will not drive a bike, or own one." I said before tossing the blankets off.

"She is the SAMCRO princess, of course she will have a bike." He said looking at me as if to challenge to see if I would continue arguing.

"This conversation is shelfed for the moment, I will not argue infront of her, can you please go get her dressed?" I said as I grabbed my phone. There was a text from Tara to come to the hospital at 10:30. It was 9 am right now.

"I need you to look after her today, I have to be at the hospital at 10:30, I can drive her and your mom there before I go to my interview."I said.

"Ok, and she is my daughter, I can buy her a bike when she is older if I want to." He said before picking Gabby up off the bed and leaving the room.

"Real fuckin mature." I muttered before heading to the bathroom and slamming the door.

Happy's POV

"Daddy, why did momma slam the door?" Gabby asked as we walked to her room. I really wanted to say that she was being a stubborn bitch, but I bit my tongue on that one. I set her on the bed.

"Daddy, just said something that upset her, how about we get you dressed and then you and abuela are gonna come down to the shop, we can play on the swings and see your uncles." I said as I went over to her bag that was sitting on the dresser.

"Ok daddy." Gabby said as she pulled off her pjs. I went over and pulled out some jean shorts and a little red and white plaid shirt. I went over and helped her get dressed.

"Baby you go find abuela, see if she is ready?" I said as I helped her off the bed

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"Baby you go find abuela, see if she is ready?" I said as I helped her off the bed.

"Ok daddy." She said before grabbing Bella and taking off out of the room. I walked back to my room and knocked.

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