Chapter 20

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Izzy's POV

Buzz buzz

I rolled over and turned off my alarm. I could smell coffee and as confused for a second then remembered that Happy had slept on the couch. I got up and went out to the kitchen to see him standing at the stove and Gabby was sitting on the counter watching him make pancakes. 

  "Momma, daddy's making mickey." Gabby said excitedly once she seen me standing there. Happy turned around quickly.

   "Sorry, she came out about 20 min ago and woke me up, I thought I would help and make breakfast." He said quickly.  

"Thank you for that, Gabby did you let Maverick out?" I asked. 

  "Yes Momma." She said.

   "He is out right now, seems a bit better with me this morning, breakfast will be about 15 more min, why don't you go get ready?" Happy said.

   "Well, looks like you have everything taken care of." I said before turning and heading back to my room. I jumped in the shower and then put on a some dark purple   scrubs.

I blow dried my hair and put it in a high ponytail

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I blow dried my hair and put it in a high ponytail. I put on alittle make up and grabbed my glasses and bag and heading to Gabby's room and pulled out a dress and laid it on her bed before heading to the kitchen to see Happy and Gabby at the table waiting. 

  "You look pretty momma." Gabby said as I sat down at the table.

   "Thank you baby, you eat your pancakes, so we can get you dressed and then you get to go to daycare at the hospital." I said as Happy pored me some coffee.   

"Is my old man going to be there?" she asked before taking a bite of food. I swear I heard Happy growl. I shot him a look before turning to her. 

  "Yes baby, Abel and Thomas will be there today." I said.

    "How about you stay with Daddy today, you don't need daycare." Happy said. 

  "Happy!" I started to say. 

  "No Daddy, I am going to see my Old man and you have nuthin to say about it." Gabby yelled at him before getting up and running to her room with Maverick behind her. I set down my coffee cup and looked at Happy that was still staring at the chair Gabby had just left.  

"Hap, you ok?" I asked.  

"I think I just got a preview of her as a teenager." He said as he turned his gaze to me. 

"Yes, you probably did if you keep up with the attitude that it is wrong that she likes Abel, she is 4 but she is too smart for her own good, you need to remember in about 2 years girls are gonna be yucky to Abel and boys will be yucky to Gabby, that is why I keep telling you they are kids its ok right now." I said before getting up.   

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