Chapter 2

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Happy POV

My heart leap into my throat as the girl that has haunted my dreams for the last 4 years turned around from talking to Bobby. The look on her face mirrored the shock on mine, then anger set it. Anger mostly at myself for still pining after a girl that I had spent one night with a long ass time ago.

"What the fuck at you doing here?" I spat. My mom was quick in her old age and her hand came up and cuffed me in the back of the head. I flinched at the impact.

"No seas tan grosero, la conoces?!" my mom yelled at me. (Don't be so rude, do you know her?!)

"It was a long time ago Maria, I am going to go see if I can find a diner and get some food for Gabby, you stay and visit your son, I will come back in an hour, then we will go find somewhere to stay."Izzy said quickly before practically running to her car. She put the little girl in her seat and peeled out of the lot.

"You better start explaining young man!" my mom said angerly.

"Bobby, can you get the prospect to go find that car and let me know where she ends up?" I asked the man standing there shaking his head. He nodded and headed into the clubhouse.

"Now Happy!" my mom said slapping my arm.

"Mama, sit please, Tig can you go get her some water?" I asked as I helped her sit back down in the chair. Tig nodded and headed back into the club house.

"Start talking." My mom said as I sat down across from her.

"It was a long time ago Mama, we spent a night together when I was up in Stockton close to four years ago." Happy said.

"Then why are you do rude to her, if it was so long ago?" she asked as Tig came out with a bottle of water for his mom. He passed it to her and headed back to the shop.

"I never thought I would see her again, I reacted badly, I will apologize when she gets back." I said as my phone rang. I pulled it out and seen it was the prospect.

"What?" I said answering it.

"It is at Toby's." Rat boy said.

"OK, stay there, follow her if she leaves." I said then hung up.

"Now Mama, what are you doing here?" I asked looking at my mother suspiciously.

"Can't a mother come to see her boy?" she said innocently.

"Don't lie to me, what is going on, how have the visits to the doc been going?" I asked. My mother turned to look out at the lot as she drank her water.

"Mama!" I said impatiently.

"Fine hijo, I stopped going and taking the pills, they aren't helping anyway." she said stubbornly.

"Bullshit, I know they were helping, what is going on Mama"?" I asked angerly. Something was up and she was hiding it from me.

"Do not talk to your mother that way, I stopped taking them and that is all there is to it, you should be happy it will save you money." She said angerly.

"Mama, the money doesn't matter, I want you around longer." I said.

"Hijo, I would like to lay down it was a long drive, I need a nap, and you promise me you will be nice to Isabella when she gets back here, she is a good girl, raising that little angel all by herself, she doesn't need a man being mean to her, and I did not raise you that way." She said sternly. I just nodded my head and got up helping her out of her chair. I took her in and settled her in my dorm room.

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