Chapter 18

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Happy's POV   

"Yes, I guess we should." Izzy said. I watched her shift Gabby to lay more on Maverick.

   "Stay, Mav, your girl is sleeping." She said as she stood up. I followed her into the kitchen. She grabbed some coffee and headed into the backyard without saying anything so I followed. She curled up on the moon chair what was out there and sipped her coffee.  

"I see this is gonna go that way huh?" I said as I sat down across from her.

    "Happy, all you need to know is call me if you want to see her and I will arrange it, she will be going to daycare at the hospital while I am at work, Chibs is staying with her when I work nights." She said. 

  "I have no say in any of this?" I asked staring at her in disbelief. This wasn't my Izzy, I wanted to know why she was so cold.  

"Not right now no, you have to earn that shit." She said.  

  "How do I do that huh, even after everything I did today, I get nothing?" I asked trying to keep my anger at bay.

    "So that's what today was about, Happy if you think that 1 day is gonna change things, think again." She said before turning and staring out at the yard and sipping her coffee. I wanted so much to just say fuck it and get up and leave but I knew that it was time that I grew up and acted like an adult and I was kinda scared of my mom if I didn't fix this.

   "I am sorry, I would like to spend as much time with you guys as I can, what does your week look like?" I asked her. She turned and looked at me.   

"You will spend time with Gabby here or at TM for now, and it will only be Gabby, I am not part of this scenario, in a few weeks we can think about an overnight." She said. I wanted to remind her that we were a family, but I figure it would fall on deaf ears.   

"OK." I said. She looked at me for a moment waiting for me to continue but I kept my mouth shut. I could see she was setting her boundaries and for this to work I had to respect that right now. We would be a family one day, hopefully she would have my ring  on her finger and we would be all living together and more babies running around.

Ring ring   

"Hey, yeah ok, I am on my way." I said into my cell before hanging it up. I stood up.   

"I am have to go." I said.   

"I heard." She said sarcastically. Everything in me wanted to grab her and kiss her senseless to remind her of what was between us.  

"I will call you later, maybe I can stop by again before Gabby goes to bed." He said.  

"that works, I will be at TM at noon, if you are around you can see her then, and I would advise you to not have croweaters hanging off you while Gabby is around." She said. I never did tell her about what had happened with Ima and her calling Gabby a brat, and I am thinking I will just keep that info to myself. 

  "Isabella, I am truly sorry for what happened a week ago, it will not happen again, and I promise you that there will be no women around the clubhouse when Gabby is there." I said.  

"Thank you." She said as she got up and we walked to the door.  

  "I will make this work, I will show you this will work." I said. 

  "Momma." Gabby called.  

"Be safe Happy." She said.

   "I will see you guys later." I said before giving her a weak smile and turning and leaving the house.

Matchmaker Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora