Chapter 12

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~ Hey Everyone!!  I am sorry this is so late.  There were some complications with my dads recovery so its been a busy few weeks helping him get back on track.   I hope you enjoy ~~

Happy's POV

It was like everything was running in slow motion. I grabbed Izzy and hit the floor shielding her and Gabby from bullets and shattering glass. Gabby was screaming in my ear frightened.  I could hear my heart in beating so loudly in my ears as I waited for the bullets to stop. I looked over and seen Juice and Tig and a few of the Prospects get up and run out the door to see who it was.  After a full minute of no shooting I rolled off Izzy and Gabby.   

"Izzy are you ok?" I asked as I helped her sit up and watched her pull Gabby into her arms.  She looked at me with a mixture of fear, anger, and confusion. Gabby was clinging to Izzy. As I looked at the two as far as I could tell neither had any injuries.  Izzy ran her hand up and down Gabby's body looking for blood.   

"Isabella, are you ok?" I asked again.   

"I don't know, I think so, are you, what was that, Happy, what the fuck is going on?" She asked her voice shaking as she talked.   

"I am ok, I need to check the others, Baby are you ok?" I asked Gabby as he ran a hand down her back. She flinched deeper into Izzy's arms.   

"She is fine, go do what you have to, I will take her to your dorm." She said as I stood up and helped her up. She turned quickly and took off down the hall. I turned to look at the room. I saw Bobby helping my mom off the floor and Jax huddled with Tara and the kids, Chibs was looking at Miles who was laying on the floor bleeding and Gemma was hysterically fussing over Nero who had taken a bullet in the shoulder.  I went over to my mom.   

"Mama, are you ok?" I asked as I pulled her into my arms.   

"Yes, mijo, are you, Izzy, Gabby?" she asked holding onto my arms tightly.   

"Yes, just scared, they are in my dorm, go be with them, spend time with your granddaughter."I said. She smiled before heading toward the back hallway. Tig and Juice ran in.   

"What the hell is going on?" Jax yelled angerly.   

"It looked like the Calaveras." Juice said.  I wanted blood, they scared my family, they ruined what was supposed to be the best day of my life. I growled and started to the door.   

"Happy, hold on, we have more important stuff here to handle, I need help with Miles, and Nero needs that bullet out." Chibs said as he grabbed my arm before I got to the door.   

"Ma, can you please take the boys, baby can you help Chibs?" Jax asked Tara who was clinging to the boys. This wasn't the first time that she had been witness to an act like this, but it was the first time for the boys. She looked up at Jax with anger and some fear flashing in her eyes.   

"You can yell and hate me later babe." Jax said. Gemma walked over and took the boys from her and Jax helped her off the floor. She went over and looked at the two men. Miles was defiantly worse off with a bullet in his side then Nero at this point.   

"Hap, I need Izzy." Tara said calmly as she started to get ready to help Miles.   

"I will see what I can do." I said before starting to the hallway.   

"Happy, baby let me go, right now I am not thinking you are high on her list." Gemma said softly as she touched my arm before walking by. I turned around and went and helped Chibs get Miles off the floor and onto the pool table.    

"Tara, what can I do?" I heard Izzy ask from behind me. I tuned and caught her eye. She looked away very quickly and focused on what Tara was saying to her. My heart sank, this was going to put a huge roadblock in my relationship with Izzy, I just hoped she wouldn't back out of coming to Charming. I turned away and went to start straightening the clubhouse, trying to stay busy.  Tara and Izzy worked together and got the bullet out of Miles and got the bleeding stopped.  They called an ambulance to come and get him so he could recover in the hospital.  While they had been working Chibs had gotten the bullet out of Nero and stitched him up.    

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