Chapter 4

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*hey everyone.  I forgot to mention that in this story Donna and Clay are dead.  Donna dies the same as in the show.  And Clay dies in a bike accident.....thank you to everyone that has read. I love seeing that number go up!   I hope you are all enjoying this story*

Club house – Happy's POV

I pulled into the lot of Teller-Morrow to see the shop closed for the night and everyone hanging out around the boxing ring. I parked my bike and walked over to the guys.

"Hey Hap, everyone settled at the house?" Bobby said as Happy approached.

"Yes." I said taking the beer that a croweater brought over.

"So are we gonna hear the story revolving around doll face?' Tig said. Everyone's attention turned to me.

"There is nothing to tell, we fucked 4 years ago and now she is a nurse in Bakersfield and that's how she met my mom end of story." I said before downing my beer and grabbing the nearest croweater and heading into the clubhouse to my dorm.

"On your knees." I demanded of the woman who willingly complied. I closed my eyes and leaned back against the door letting my mind wonder to the sexy, sweet, head strong woman that was sleeping in my bed at home.

Next morning~Izzy's POV

I woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon. I could hear Gabby giggling and muffled voices. I climbed out of bed and slipped on my glasses and headed down to find everyone. I followed Gabby's giggle to the kitchen and stopped in the doorway at the sight before me. Maria was sitting in a chair at the table smiling at the two people by the counter. Gabby was standing on a chair in her nightgown holding her unicorn giggling uncontrollably at Happy who was dancing around making faces at her as he cooked. He stopped abruptly when he noticed me standing there. Everyone turned to the door.

"MOMMA!!" Gabby squealed before jumping down from the chair and running over to me. I scooped her up and she threw her arms around my neck.

"Morning baby, how did you sleep?" I asked as I walked over to the table.

"Good Momma, Mister make breakfast." She said.

"Princesa, you can call me Happy, you don't have to call me Mister." Happy said walking over holding a cup of coffee.

"Otay Happy." Gabby said as she held her arms out to him.

"This is for you." He said passing me the coffee and taking my daughter from my arms and going back into the kitchen.

"Good morning Maria, how did you sleep?" I said walking over to the table.

"Oh good Novio, how about you?" she said as I sat down beside her.

"It was good." I said as Happy brought Gabby over to the table and put her on a chair.

"Juice Happy." She said.

"Gabs, you need to drink some milk first." I said as Happy went to get all the food and bring it to the table.

"Oh hijo, this looks amazing." Maria said happily as Happy came back to the table with a little glass of milk for Gabby.

"Yes Hap, it all looks great." I said as I started to put some food on Gabby's plate. Happy just smiled and we all started to eat. Once everyone had finished, I got up and started to clear the plates.

"Isabella, you don't have to do that, I can." Happy said getting up and grabbing more off the table.

"You cooked, it's the least I can do." I said.

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