"Alright riders, it's a big big day here at SoulCycle. It's our girl Eliza's 100th ride and her birthdayyyyyyy!!!! Let's go birthday bitch!!!" The instructor says.

Eliza just laughs and gets in the saddle ready to ride. It's a good thing she was sitting, as the instructor announces that it's time for sprints.

"Alright riders, time for a sprint!!! Partner up, challenge each other, and let's make it a great ride!!!"

Eliza glances at Aaron, who already has his eyes on her. She nods at him, signaling that she'll be his partner. They each speed up, trying to beat each other's heart and power rates up on the monitors. The music's pace increases, and so does everyone's speed.

"Keep it up riders, keep it up!!! 400 RPM average, WOW!!! Almost there for this first one, 5-4-3-2-1...and our birthday bitch takes the cake!!!" The instructor says.

Cheers abound, and Eliza glances over to see Aaron with a big smile. They partner up on the other sprints; he wins a couple, but she wins all the rest. After all, it is her day.

Once the ride ends, everyone hops off their bikes. Several more people come up to Eliza to tell her happy birthday and congrats on her 100th ride.

"Alright sis, you gotta take your obligatory ride pic with me," Madison says.

"Be right out," Eliza replies, quickly glancing up at Aaron.

"So, what did ya think? Will you be back?" Eliza asks, wiping her forehead with her towel.

"Oh absolutely. I feel like I'm gonna die, but I do think I'll be back," he says while leaning on the bike, out of breath from the last set of sprints.

"Don't be shy; just say you wanna see her," Madison says as she walks past. Eliza rolls her eyes as Aaron blushes.

"Ignore her; she has no filter whatsoever," Eliza says. "Hey Aaron, what are you doing tonight?" She asks with some shyness in her voice.

"Ummm, well, I don't think I have anything planned for once, actually. Work keeps me pretty busy." He says back.

"Well," Eliza starts, nerves filling her body, "My friends are throwing me a party—a birthday party—tonight...dinner, a couple bars, then a club...would—would you wanna come? Maybe come to my place before and have a drink?"

"That sounds great," he says with a smile and no hesitation.

"Great! Come out with me and I'll give you my card," she says.

They walk outside to find the rest of the class chatting and enjoying some celebratory sugar cookies with bikes and 100 emojis on them. She walks up to her locker and grabs a business card from her wallet.

"My—my cell is on that line there," she says. "I can text you my address and stuff here in a bit."

"Well, won't you need my number for that?" Aaron jokes.

"Shit, you're right. I must need some water or something," she says, blushing.

Aaron smiles. "Here, give me your phone. I'll put my number in now."

She gives him the phone, puts his number in and returns it to her. She starts to say thanks when Madison comes scurrying over.

"Ok lover girl, are you ready to take your picture?? It's gotta go on the Insta feed!!" She says with impatience, taking Eliza's hand and dragging her away.

"Sorry for my friend here, I guess I'll see you later?" Eliza asks.

"Sounds great. I'll see you then." Aaron says.

Eliza waves with a smile. "Byeeeee," Madison says over her shoulder as they walk toward the wall with the milestone numbers on it.

Eliza turns and lightly swats Madison. "Bitch, what the hell?"

"I'm sorryyyyy," Madison says.

"No you're not," Eliza says with a smile. "You ready?"

Eliza signs the 100 on the wall, and they take their pictures (some with the instructor and other friends), snag some cookies along with their stuff, and head out the door.

"Same time next week?" Madison asks.

"You already know," Eliza replies.

"You better be my sprints partner next week," Madison says.

"We'll see who shows up," Eliza says with a smile. "Bye bye now," she says as they enter their cars.

"Bye!" Madison says.

Eliza lays her stuff down in the passenger seat and glances at her phone. She has several happy birthday texts, some tagged photo notifications, and a new message from a number she doesn't recognize.

"It's Aaron. Can't wait to see you later xx"

"Holy shit, that was fast," Eliza says, starting her car. "Just wait until the girls hear about this one." 

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