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America had stepped out of his car and into the building. It's was a world meeting in New York City. The countries didn't really get work on the weekends but the UN called it.

"Hey bro!" A familiar voice called out. America looked up see his siblings running to him. His brother Canada, sister Australia, sister Fiji, and his brother New Zealand.

"Hey guys! You all are here earlier." America greeted his siblings.

"Yeah. World meeting aren't called a all so we came as soon as possible." Fiji said.

She was right. World meeting aren't called a lot and way they where, it was very serious.

"So we might as well go." America said.

In the building America was met with different face. All are familiar.  Allies and enemies alike. A lot of people were chatting wondering why UN called a meeting.

"Hello America!" A female voice called out. America looked up to see Japan, a very good friend of his.

"Hey Japan! How it going?" America greeted the neko girl.

"It's going great! I just had a talk with South Korea and he's a really sweet guy!" Japan said. 

America smiled. He knew Japan liked South Korea and South Korea likes Japan. He(and mostly everyone really) thought they would be a cute couple. 

"Hey are you ok?" Japan asked bring America out of his thoughts.

"Oh yeah. I'm fine."

"Oh. If it's about the "thing" I'm sorry." Japan said looking down with her cat ears lowered.

"Hey Japan It's fine." America told her putting a hand on her shoulder. "It's ok really."

"Oh ok. I'm going to find South Korea. See you later!" Japan said before running off.

America walked down a hallway deep in his thoughts. He walked by a lot of countries who he towered over. Being the 4th biggest country really is something huh?

If you are wondering about the "thing", it was when America and Japan dated. They broken up mouths around and are still great friends. It's not like America found out his was gay or something like that. Well, he is pansexual, they just thought it would be best to still friends.

"Oof!" America grunted as he hit someone's back. "Oh crap! Sorry sir-"

America stopped to see a face everyone knew. Russia. America and Russia were not the best of friends, everyone knew that. They were great friends with the Russian Empire(who sold America Alaska) But that was all gone with the USSR. America and USSR butted heads in the Cold War. Russia wasn't mad at America when his dad dead. He hated his own dad. Soviet didn't even bother to feed his kids but was more concerned about sending a dog into space. When Soviet died, the relationship between the two countries got a little better but not a lot.

"It's fine..." Russia told America in his monotone voice. He didn't even bother to look at America.

America sighed and got out. He didn't want to fight the russian as he didn't care right out. 

"Well later I guess. Bye." America said walking away from Russia was just waved good bye to the american.


The countries were all seated, talking to their friends as they waited for the UN. The light were turned off making all the countries stop talking.

"Thank you all for coming." The UN walked in to the front with a light on him.

"Well get on with it!" A voice shouted. "We all want to be home right." 

"Shut up Scotland!" 

"Yes Scotland. Please do be quiet. This is a very important thing we all need to talk about." UN said in a very serious tone.

"So... what is it?" Ukraine asked. The UN sighed.

"A new terrorist group has been formed." 

'What the world?' everyone thought.

"The group has the people also know as, Third Reich." Almost everyone cringed at the name. But Germany cringed the most.

"Japanese Empire." Japan had a very worried and sad look on her face.

"Fascist Italy." Italy felt like a gun of anxiety hit him.

"Soviet Union or USSR." Russia look shocked and was stressing out just by the name.

"And.... the Confederate states of America." America's heart almost freaking stop.

'No way...' America thought. 'This can't be true.

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