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America worked up around 1:48... by Florida jumping on his bed.

"Dad! Dad! Dad! Wake up!" Florida semi yelled as he continued to jump on the bed. Florida has always one of the more "crazy states". He wasn't bad to hang around with but he can be two much sometimes.

"Ok ok. I'm up." The tired American said. "Florida? What time is it."

"I dunno. Like 1 or 2."

"Really? I was asleep for that long?" America asked. "You guys ate breakfast?"

"Yep! New Jersey and New York cooked for us!" Florida said. "Why don't you play with us ! You are always so busy!"

"Yeah you're right. Why don't you run downstairs to your siblings?" America told Florida.

"Ok!" Florida said and ran out of room. 

America sighed and rolled out of bed. He made his way to the bathroom to freshen himself up and then walked to the living room. The mansion was huge. 25 bedrooms and 30 bathrooms. You could seriously get lost(some of the states have). The house had other place too like a play area for the younger states, and room for the older states to hang out in with video games and bean bags. The diner room was probably one of the biggest in the house.The living had two TVs and some coffee tables and several couches. Big couches.  And then there's the backyard. 

Ahh the backyard. The backyard had a little playground the younger states like Wyoming and Hawaii played, a pool, a treehouse, and a garden. The garden was mostly taken cares of by New Jersey where she grow some food like corn and tomatoes. Good and fresh food. America had to ban some kids like California and Arizona form going to the garden because they burned it all down one time and New Jersey got super pissed.

He finally got to living room where the living room where his two eldest sons were. Delaware and Pennsylvania.

"Hey Dad!" Delaware greeted his father. Pennsylvania didn't seem to notice his dad until now.

"Oh hey Dad." Pennsylvania said. 

"Hey kids." America said to his sons. He noticed that some kids were missing. "Where are your little siblings?"

"In the backyard." Pennsylvania answered. "You look tried."

America yawned. "Yeah somewhat. I thought I should play with you guys for a bit."

"You don't have." A female voice said. America look to see his 5th oldest kid, Connecticut. 

"You should get some rest." She said.

"Yeah she's right." A boy with wings said. Rhode Island.

"You really think so?" America asked.

"YES!" The kids yelled. America chuckled.

"Well, I know when I'm outnumbered."

"Hi makua kāne!" And young voice said. America looked behind him to see his youngest state, Hawaii.

"Hi Hawaii. What are you going to do?" 

"I was going to the backyard to play with Wyoming, Alaska, and California!"

"Ok have fun. And be safe!" America called out to Hawaii as she ran to backyard.

"Ok! I will!" She yelled back as she walked outside.

America signed and sat down on a couch from Delaware and Pennsylvania. He relaxed and started to drift into sleep. It was pretty peaceful.

Who was he kidding? It's never  peaceful in a American household with 50 kids.

He hear a scream and a crash in the kitchen. He got up walked to the kitchen to find Texas, Idaho, Arkansas, and Colorado on the counter and spoons, forks, and plates to throw that New Jersey's pet demon, Jackie.

Yes, New Jersey actually had a demon for a pet. The Jersey Devil or Jackie as she likes to be called. A little red imp demon with big horns,a big pink-red bow, little wings, and a tail. No one knew actually about Jackie, not even Georgia, who bunked with New Jersey, But Alabama found out about Jackie after sneaking out in New Jersey and Georgia's room and then told everyone. America had to asked why New Jersey didn't tell anyone and she said that she didn't want to freak anyone out. Everyone were terrified of the demon at first(who wouldn't? It's a demon!) and saw that Jackie didn't mean any harm but everyone was still cautious around it. Who knows what kind of demonic powers that thing had?! 

Another states had pets. America had a bald eagle, Texas had a horse, and Florida and a alligator.

"Ok kids, that enough." America told his kids. They all look at him and slowing put the items down.

"I swear that demon is going's to kill us all one day." Arkansas said as he get down for the counter. America had picked the imp demon up and looked at his kids.

"Look. I know Jackie seems terrifying but she's not going to hurt you."

"Doesn't changes the fact that she's a demon." Texas gruffed. America shook his head and put down the imp demon.

"Go run to New Jersey." He told the devil. She nodded and ran to her owner.

"I know she scares you but don't throw plates at something. If you break a plate, you are paying for it."

"Ok Dad." Idaho and Colorado said and walked away with Texas and Arkansas. The American laughed a bit and sat down on the couch again. His family drove him crazy but he loved them with all of his heart. They drove him mad and sane at the same time.

America did keep them all a secret from the other countries like his dad. UK and France didn't even know they had other 50 grandchildren. He even hid them him NATO and UN. They didn't know that they had younger siblings. The main reason was because they would be a target for his enemies like North Korea. One thing happened in WWII with Hawaii so he keep them a secret in fear of something like that happening again.

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