"Boy, you got me helpless" - Chapter 9

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December first. In just about two weeks, Eliza would be going on.. well, not a date... but, that was the only word for it. Her and Alexander would be spending the day together, anyway. She didn't know where he was taking her or what he had planned, but she'd been counting down the days til then. It was, in all truth, one of the only things she had to look forward to recently.

On the less side of the spectrum, her relationship with Angelica hadn't really changed. It'd been a little over a week or so since she'd confronted her, and her attitude had become now that of 'the silent treatment', judging her from afar everytime she went on facetime with Alexander or talked about him, or even mentioned his name. Which is precisely why Eliza liked to spend all the time that she could around Alexander and Lafayette's house.

She'd often take Peggy with her, because Peggy enjoyed playing games with the guys as well, and it meant Eliza wouldn't have to leave her alone with a grumpy Angelica.

"When are you gonna get your own driver's license?" Peggy questioned Eliza as they walked into Lafayette's main hall, slipping their shoes off.

"First of all, rude," Eliza scoffed as she shimmied her coat off with help from Alexander. "Second of all, I haven't been able to yet."

The last bit was partly true. There'd been quite the downfall of snow recently - so thick that cars couldn't drive on the roads in the morning before they were swept - meaning she didn't have to go to work, and had more time to spend with Alexander. However, it also meant she couldn't get a driving lesson. She could book for next year.. but who even knows what happens next year? She'd rather take public transport until she had a solid amount of income to support driving lessons, anyway.

...And there was a plus of sharing a car with Alexander.

Speaking of which, as soon as she'd hung her coat up, he wrapped his arms around her from the back and hoisted her from the ground. She giggled and laughed madly, writhing in his grip whilst he carried her not-so-gracefully over to the couch where, when she was placed down gently, he attacked her with tickles so she could only laugh harder.

See, some people have love languages. People have basic ones; they'll choose one to be 'their love language', but to Eliza, love language was more of a feeling than a general affection. Whilst others may prefer physical affection over verbal, Eliza was a girl to enjoy love in itself. In every form. Whether it be the closeness of each hug, the sweet words someone whispers to you before you fall asleep beside them, or them making you breakfast before you awaken - Eliza was a hopeless romantic for all. And to her, Alexander was the full package. Maybe that's why she fell so hard so fast.

Peggy crossed her arms, smirking at seeing her sister so happy. "Bets on Alexander confessing to Eliza when they go out on their date?" She murmured to Laurens, who stood close next to her.

"I bet Eliza will do it. She's had feelings from day one, don't forget." Laurens snickered back.

"Oh, so it really is a bet?"

Eliza punched lightly at Alexander's chest, which only made him gasp in mock hurt, and he went to pull away- before Eliza swiftly reached up and hooked her hands around his neck to force him back down.

"...Yeah, and I know I'm gonna win it." Laurens chuckled. "C'mon, Laf and Hercules are waiting in his room. We'll leave these two to it."

Peggy huffed, but followed the freckly boy out of the large living room, where Eliza was breathing heavily from the amount of laughter she'd just had to create.

"Jesus Christ, Alexander," She rubbed her forehead. "You're not the gentlest tickler!"

Alexander choked mid laugh, and he turned his reddened face away. Eliza sighed and rolled the other way so that her head placed in his lap, staring up at him and letting his fingers stroke softly through her hair, though he still didn't make eye contact with her. It'd just become a subconscious thing now.

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