"Look into your eyes" Chapter 2

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"Alright, Peggy, you have to start being better with your studying." Eliza sighed, gazing at Peggy with raised brows.

"But it's so boring!"

"I know. But it's important for your future."

"You studied and you ended up working in a coffee shop," Peggy retorted with a mumble, sinking her face beneath her crossed arms on the counter top.

"But I'm earning money, I have a degree and I have my own apartment. That's three things more than you have already." Eliza pointed out slowly, and Peggy just huffed in response. "Listen, I know it sucks, but future you will love you for it. Choosing to study was the best thing I could've done for myself. It sucks at the time but is so, so worth it in the long run."

She glanced down at her watch, where it told her it was 6:30pm. Eliza smiled softly, clearly giving in. "Alright, you've been studying all day. How about we go walk downtown for some fresh air, and I'll buy you some snacks?"

Peggy lifted her head, her eyes lighting up. "Okay!"

Eliza hesitated. "...But you have to let me visit the library on the way back."


The warm, familiar smell of the books that welcomed her reached her nose quickly. Peggy was at her side, sucking on a lollipop, uninterested in the books. She hadn't inhereted Eliza and Angelica's bookworm traits - which, honestly, made Eliza very sad - but Peggy did enjoy looking at the picture ones. Eliza was quick to enter one of the aisles whilst Peggy searched for a kiddy's aisle, clearly looking for one with more drawings than words.

Eliza sat herself with one of her favourite books and was going to open it, when-

"You're back."

She glanced up, recognising the husky voice, and smiled at the man. It had been two days since she'd last been to the library; turns out, Angelica would be gone for a full week, meaning Eliza had to try and balance more time at home as well as work. It had been hard but not impossible.

"Unfortunately for you, yes." She quirked a brow to see how he'd react.

He just chuckled lightly. "Well? How was it?"

"How was what?"

"The book! Ma Phènix!" He spoke as though this was obvious.

Eliza gasped. "Oh!" Her face fell into a wide, dreamy smile as she remembered the contents of the book. She'd finished it within a day and a half - would've been just under a day if her sisters had not bothered her so much - and had loved it to bits. She was considering re-reading it already. "Oh, it was gorgeous. Beautifully written. I wasn't expecting that twist at the end! I mean, I was hoping it'd happen because Adrienne needed a reason to hold onto her life, and those subtle yet noticeable hints were placed so carefully... but even so! I hadn't anticipated that Marcelle would actually do it. I thought he'd back out, last second. And, of course, I adored the two mains. They're just a perfect fit!"

Eliza sighed, finishing her ramble. The man just looked at her with an unreadable expression, though she thought she could catch a glimpse of pride somewhere in those breathtaking eyes. "A woman of culture." He simply said, before holding up his own book and beginning to read it.

"..Do you have any other recommendations?" Eliza asked quietly, still wanting to talk with the stranger. He was so intriguing.

He glanced up at her from over the tip of the book, raising a brow, before placing it down carefully. He folded a corner of the page and shut the book shut, putting it away and rising to his feet. He folds the corners just like I do...

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