"You can stay" - Chapter 18

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Alexander rolled over, his arms wrapping around the comfort of her warm body, her skin pressed against his. His face was buried in the crook of her neck, breathing in her sweet, flowery scent. Her breathing was slow, and steady, evidently showing that she was asleep.

It had only been one night.

Alexander sighed into her neck, strands of curls floating by his nose for a moment, tickling it. He let his arms slide away from her as he flipped onto his back.

How had one night turned into countless nights?

Eliza was arriving back today, and he'd fallen into the awful habit of sleeping with her. Worst of all, turns out she had a boyfriend, and he had written Alexander a threatening text to tell Eliza if he didn't pay him for letting Alex go off loose.

Alex pitied Maria Lewis. She didn't have the best life, both growing up and now, for her boyfriend - James Reynolds - was abusive toward her. He'd seen marks over her body, faded scars and dying bruises, though she didn't seem to mind whenever he accidentally brushed over them. They littered her body, visible from a close distance but hidden enough that you wouldn't know till she was undressed.

Did that mean he should cheat on Eliza? No.

Alex thought of his wonderful girlfriend every time, unable to get her out of his mind, which only made him more furious. Upset at himself, angry at his actions, and that seemingly made him spur on further.

Raising his palms to rub at his exhausted eyes, he slowly sat up, making sure to move with snail-pace otherwise his head would start spinning. Alex swung his legs over the side of the bed and rose himself fully, letting out a gentle exhale through his teeth. "Maria, it's time to get up," He croaked out, his throat aching with weariness. "You need to leave."

She mumbled something incoherent, rolling onto her back and sleepily letting her eyelids flutter open. "Mmm... it's comfy here, though."

Alex sighed, tempted to climb back in and hold her once more, but knew that he only had to wait just a little longer before he'd earn the embrace he longed for. "Collect your things and leave. I don't want to see you still here in fifteen minutes."

He pulled on sweatpants and a t-shirt, then left the room, scratching at his goatee with a wide yawn.

"I can't help but feel like this is the last time I'll see you." Maria's voice sounded softly at his shoulder, her hands clinging to his bare arm.

He didn't respond, but he didn't need to, for she only continued.

"It's cause your girlfriend's arriving back today, right?" Maria cooed gently, running her hands over to his middle, hugging him from behind. "Perfect. It's a good opportunity to get rid of her so you can have me."


"I'm so much better than her. And you know it," Maria smirked into his shirt. "You two haven't even had sex yet, but here you are, coming to me every night."

"I respect her wishes..." Alex's voice trailed off slightly, guilt creeping up his body, pooling from where her fingertips skated over his shirt.

Maria chuckled. "Oh, really? Is that why you're with me, then, and not with her? Is that what she wanted?"

He fell silent, then attempted at shaking her arms off. He glanced down at her and noticed she still wasn't dressed. With a low huff, he strode to the bedroom again, and began to collect her clothes off of the floor. Alex's mind was fuzzy, and the world around him was spinning slightly. It took all of his effort to continue going without tripping or falling over.

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