Chapter 48- Alternate Ending [2]

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"I want you to remember me, if things ever turn south." She spoke to him in a calm tone as he bandaged her fists. His greyish brown eyes met hers, a bright smile across his face. "Don't say stuff like that." Her hand rests on his face caressing it out of fear. It was the first time she's felt so many emotions at once, and it was eating away at her heart. "I'm serious."

"Okay," Aang stands dusting off his knees. "I won't forget you hon."

Katara approached them slowly with her hands behind her back. "The war balloon is ready, and everyone's in place Aang." Not even looking at y/n. The young air bender never turned back to face her, kissing y/n's still bloody bandaged knuckles instead. "We'll be right there."

When she left, y/n tilted Aang's chin. "Is there something going on between you two?" "No," Aang shakes his head, "there's nothing like that going on between us." She smiled smiled gently, "thank you for saving me by the way. I forgot to tell you that." "You didn't have to, love."

They stand hand in hand, walking towards the war balloon. Sokka, Suki, Toph and Katara already inside waiting. "It was something I had to do. You nearly drowned." Her head leaned against his, "I love you Aang."


Water, Earth, Air and Fire surrounded the avatars as they circled around Fire Lord Ozai. The man was shivering, firing at y/n when she got too close, as well as Aang.

"Stay back!!" He yelled, " stay back!! "

The beautiful man grabbed on to y/n's wrist slamming her into the earth in hopes of her knocking out, or even dying. But when he released her hand, her entire body was covered in rocks. Her eyes glowed blue and Aang was snapped out of the avatar state. Her hands on Ozai's chest she blew him back, and her body went limp just as Aang was back to the Avatar State.

He bends the earth again, holding down Ozai as y/n raised like a zombie. Her hands outstretched she wrapped water around his neck to keep him from moving and positioned herself behind Ozai.

"This is where it ends." She harshly spoke. Aang's hand on Ozai's chest and forehead, he began taking away his bending. With y/n's hands on either side of Ozai's temples her soul began to glow, and as red and blue light illuminated from the males green lights spread across the earth they stood on.

"Y-y/n?" Aang managed to croak out. He blinked once and she was limp on the ground.

[Another timeskip]

Zuko was crowned Fire Lord, and Aang saved the world.

As they stood on the balcony in Capital City the crowd below cheered and bowed, grateful that the war for how many years was finally over. Katara came walking out behind Aang with a small smile, and she held his hand.

In the crowd stood y/n. She looked older, and she held a baby girl in her arms. Aang made eye contact with her many times, but he never recognised her. Now that she stayed in that world.

She was no longer the avatar. She was just another commoner.

Her eyes went teary seeing Aang and Katara kiss, but she closed them quickly and left with her daughter.

"Wasn't that papa?" The little girl asked the closer they got to a river full of spider lilies. "It was." Y/n muttered. Fire surrounded them as they began their official departure from that world, until a voice echoed behind them. Y/n turned quickly, shocked to see it was Toph.

"It's too bad twinkle double." The blind girl said, " I wished he remembered you too. "

Y/n smiled bright, "thanks Toph." Toph points her finger in the direction of Kai. "Oi, be a good little spirit girl!"

Kai only giggled, "yes miss."

Before the flames envelopes you both, leaving nothing but red petals and Toph.

"I Remember" // Aang x reader \\Where stories live. Discover now