Chapter 27- The Letter

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Months passed and y/n's birthday came around. That day, she didn't tell Aang or Rai about it, just continued on with training. Today, Aang, y/n and Rai were assigned to go bring in a whale, for eating of course. Y/n was not interested, but she knew this was a test by Bojing. The man disliked her, seeing as she never showed up to train.

Jingyi had left three months ago for a mission with the other girls, and hasn't returned since. "Y/n! Are you ready?!" Aang yelled from below. He had gotten more muscular lately, and looked damn well fine. Rai as well.

"Coming!" Y/n had the best glow up, she really did look like a young woman now. Jumping into the boat with Rai and Aang, and used her left hand to blow the boat off with with and her right to push the water. It was still difficult to water bend, and it took a great deal of energy for her to do so properly.

When the boat was off at last the wall to the Northern Water Tribe got smaller, and soon they were in the middle of the ocean. Y/n stood at the edge of the boat and placed one foot on the water, then the next. Her legs shakes as a sign of little practice, but she managed to balance! "Oi, Rai you're our eyes! Tell me when you see a whale nearby!" Aang told the boy, who grunted and saluted. "Of course, use me!" He turned and looked out. Y/n starts moving the water slowly, her hands began to ache but she had to complete this shit of a mission.

"I think I see something!" Rai called back, "and it's coming fast!" Braising themselves y/n and Aang prepare to catch the whale, but it wasn't even close to one. A giant Scorpion Fire Nation ship was in front of them, and it stopped. Y/n tensed and quickly jumped back on the boat watching as the boat lowered it's plank. A buffed man walks down, and he had an angry look on his face. Behind this man were two other soldiers, and they had the same expression.He stepped on the boat, his shoulders thrown back and head high. "What is a puny boat like yours doing out here in the middle of nowhere?" He asked. "We're fishing." Y/n told him with a glare. The man kept glaring, "you water benders should get on our ship. Young children get lost in the sea." "We're not young, but thanks. We can find our way back." Y/n spoke again.The man glared. Of course he wouldn't be able to recognise her. It's been years since she's been home, and they were all wearing clothing of the Water Tribe. They can easily be mistaken for members.

"Little girl!" He yelled, "get your ass on that ship, and your friends should get on too! This is what happens when you don't listen to your superiors!" He snatched y/n by her arm and started tugging on her, but y/n feet were firmly on the boat, bounded by ice. "Let. Go." The man laughed, "you think you're intimidating! Men, burn the boat to the ocean!" The men behind him burnt the boat, but when the fire disappeared the boat was untouched. "What?" The man was confused. He scuffed and snatched Aang, holding him by the neck. "Ah!" "If you don't get on this boat I'll have your friend drown!" Aang tried bending, but his arms and legs were suddenly paralyzed. The cruel general starts counting down."Five." Then without warning he dropped Aang into the ocean. "AANG!!" Rai and y/n yell for the boy. The man laughed again, "see? One dead, do you want him to die as well? Get on." Y/n stood still as a whirlpool surrounded the boat. Her clothes began moving furiously became of wind, and she clenched her fists. Floating in the air as water, air, and fire surrounded her body, she was on the avatar state. Her teeth clenched and rock covered fist y/n took down the ship with one attack. "It's the avatar!" When one guy shot fire at her Rai bended earth from the boat and blocked his chi.

He quickly tried defending y/n as she wiped the men from existence. Aang came up from the water, his face was blue.

Every man on the ship would be in the ocean by now, either dead or floating away. Y/n came down slowly, and she dropped to her knees holding Aang's body close. Closing her eyes, she placed her hand over his face. The avatar removed the water from his lungs, and blew air in Aang's lungs. Coughing, Aang opened his eyes as colour came back to his face!"Dude!" Rai breathed out, "we thought we lost you! Y/n literally went into the avatar state." Then he looked to her, "how can you bend so well with water? I thought that was your worst element!" "I don't know-Aang. Are you okay?" Aang placed his hand on her face and nodded with a smile. "I'm great y/n." He told her gently.

Suddenly a whale jumped over, and Y/n froze it. The whale fell into the boat, it shifts and the crew nearly go overboard if it wasn't for y/n's waterbending, again. "Wow, you did well Avatar Y/n!" Bojing praised her. He bowed, and she bowed back. Though the tension was still present. While a few women start frying pieces of the fish y/n went elsewhere with Aang. They sat next to each other, and y/n was doing the talking as Aang listened. Each of them had no smile on their faces, the talk was serious."I saw you Aang. You were in an iceberg, and two members of the Water Tribe broke you out. It was scary, because your clothing were different, as were the Water Tribe members. There was a flying bison too, and a little monkey looking elf." Aang rubbed his head, "what about you? Were you there?" Y/n shook her head sadly, "I was there alright, but I couldn't see myself.."

"That's strange." Aang admitted, "but here's what! We can interpret your dream when we get to the Western Air Temple!" Aang cheered to y/n, "there's a great monk there that I know! He could help you control the avatar state, and help you understand your vision!" Y/n smiled despite the uneasy feeling. Seeing this opportunity Aang turned his head and smiled at her, she smiled back nervously and Aang started leaning in first. They were rudely interrupted by a warrior, who gave to y/n a scroll. "Some weird woman came across and left Avatar Y/n. She said to give this to you." Y/n snatched the letter and opened it. Tears froze on her cheeks when they fell, then melted away from body heat.

Hello child,It's been years and I finally get a chance to send you a letter, in person. Don't try looking for me, or he will find out! Happy birthday Y/n.Love, mom.

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