Chapter 31- Dangerous Technique

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Y/n didn't come out the igloo much after that day. She hardly spoke with Aang, and didn't even bond with Rai. The most she did was sneak out, train with Jingyi, eat and retreat back to the igloo. Some people started calling her, Y/n The Tired. Because of the rings that formed around her eyes. 

The people of the Northern Water Tribe even started avoiding her, because she was of the Fire Nation. Y/n never saw Kuruk again, and she rather liked it that way. Today, Jingyi and Bojing came up with a solution to her supposed depression. They needed Aang in this, because maybe he was the solution! They didn't know he was the cause.

Jingyi had a few Southern Water Tribe members come in the night before being alerted a month earlier, to come in and help brighten the avatar's mood. Of course many disagreed, but a few decided why not! Aang was unaware of this all.

Bojing had many costumes made, and finally a dance group to start the festive feeling. They thought perhaps she was thinking of that letter from her mother, which she never spoke of after getting it. Y/n simply hid it away in her bag and never looked back.

She didn't want to be tempted to go after her mother, her mother said not to come. 

When the second Cresent moon of the month arrived Bojing's plan commenced. He walked to y/n's igloo, and knocked softly on it. It took three minutes but y/n at last opened up, and the man gave her a stern look. "Avatar Y/n, you are required to join a festival. The first, and last festival of the Northern Water Tribe!" Y/n glared at him before walking away, the ice shutting on it's own without her moving.

"Wait!" Bojing called, "please! Try to be there!" Y/n didn't look back. She only sat on her bed and stared off at the wall, concentrating her breathing as she nearly melted the igloo.

Bojing left to Jingyi. "I told her, now did you get the others?" "Of course!" Jingyi squealed. "Why wouldn't I? Oh this is brilliant!" "And the chief said it's a one time thing. No fire benders right?" To this Jingyi snorted. "We got fire benders all right, but not very much! Hey, at least they aren't in the invasion!" Bojing continued to glare at Jingyi. "Don't glare at me you old goat!" 

Jingyi stooped and took out a lavender box from beneath the cupboard. She walks out and headed to y/n's igloo. Knocking on it softly y/n came walking forward as the ice melted with her fire, "what NOW Bojing?!" She screams. Jingyi shrugged. "Bo-who? I don't know that old man!" A frown came to y/n's lips. She turned to leave when Jingyi threw the box inside!

"It's a gift!" She yelled, making y/n stop. "I don't know when's your birthday, but this is a gift. If you have a little time to spare, please come out and attend the festival." Jingyi bowed before leaving, and y/n picked up the box. The igloo closed and she sat on the floor, opening the lavender mystery with careful hands.

When finally uncovered, y/n stared with wide eyes at what was inside. A top and skirt, both matching. The top being up to her under arms, a v neck and button up to the back, the v lines from the neck to the open area on her chest being a light blue as the top itself was dark blue. It was armless, good to flex about. Finally, the skirt. It wasn't like any skirt she's ever seen.
It looked straight out of a Disney movie, but better. Around the waistband it was light blue as well, but the skirt itself was a dark blue. It was light, soft like linen and reminded y/n of a bunch of leaves stuck together, making a flower. She got dressed in it after a pleasant bath, and looked herself in the mirror.

Y/n's hair was in a [enter hairstyle] and a sad smile came to her lips. "My God," she said, "my body's frickin hot." Yes, it was thick, (I'm making your body thick, so it'll be between fat and thin. So.. average?), But damn did she have curves. 

"I Remember" // Aang x reader \\Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz