Chapter 47: Alternate Ending [1]

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"Out of the way!" Toph ran up and skated her feet, stopping at least three to four rocks. "Toph!" Aang yelled to her, "don't worry bout me twinkle toes! Get the others to safety-" a pebble struck her to the middle of her forehead, and Toph rolled down the slope, into the arms of Katara!

"Dammit!" Aang stepped up, he kicked one rock into pieces, then next that came aiming for his head. The biggest boulder they've ever seen came falling at them with such speed it was meant to kill. "Aang!" Katara stretched forward to create an ice shield to protect them all.

[With y/n]

The woman walked blindly towards the voices she heard screaming from earlier, extremely worried now. Her sight missing, all she could do was hear them out. Having lost sight, now only able to see blur images Ozai dumped her body elsewhere.

He was upset, and didn't want a half dead woman around him any longer!

"Aang grab her!!" "Huh?" Y/n turned around, face to face with a rock until her body levitated and the rocks became dust. Her eyes shined blue, y/n turned to face Aang and the others, but her vision was still shit.

She fell into Aang's arms, who quickly held her close and rushed off with the others.

By the time she woke up her eyes were bandaged over, so all she saw were dark outlines of the group. Aang was by her side, his hand tightly in hers. She was fully aware now of Ozai, who he WAS, and his dirty trick. Her body became 14 again, to suit the likings of Aang, and as she lay there she kept touching his hand or face.

A heavy frown on her lips. "Aang? Aang is that you?" Aang nodded, frowning and kissing her hand gently. "It's me honey, it's Aang!" "Aang!" Y/n croaked, "I'm scared and blind!"

A harsh sigh came from across the room, and y/n bended rocks there, only to feel it get stopped. "Hey! Other now blind girl, don't launch rocks at me! I'm blind too, so there's nothing wrong with that!" Katara wasn't in the tent, too upset about the whole Aang and y/n situation, wishing the s/c girl would just go home already.

"Does anything hurt?" Aang asked, "besides your eyes?" Y/n nodded, "my toe, it just hurts so bad it's hard to move!" Aang smiled gently, he leaned into her and lay beside her, holding her closer before they both fell asleep.

The next day the two were training, as Aang suggested, saying this would help them greatly if they're to beat Ozai. His hands gently on hers as he guided y/n to the stadium, Sokka, Toph and Zuko behind them at all times. "How many people can you hear?" He asked her.

Y/n listened to all the different breathing, "I can hear four people, including you, flight bag." Toph laughed and smacked her leg, "my goodness! Flight bag is such a classic!" She approached her and lay a hand on her shoulder, "but hey! Have you ever tried twinkle toes?" "Twinkle toes?"

Y/n and Toph begin to laugh, "that's a good one!" Aang laughed along nervously, getting a nudge from Sokka. "Looks like your girl's all grown up, twinkle toes!~"

Meanwhile with Katara and Suki, the girls were giving the old woman the items, including a strand of y/n's hair that Aang managed to snatch.

She broke the boar's heart in half, dropping it into the cauldron and watching as red smoke filled the air. "Hand me the eye," she told Katara. Katara quickly slipped the eyeball in the old woman's hand, and she bit into it, spat, dropping it in next.

"The feather! Where is it?!" "Right here ma'am!" Suki gave the witch her feather and she stirred pot with it, "alack, gimme that toe!" Neither girls moved to get it, so the old lady grabbed it herself. She broke off the toenail and dropped it into the grey water, then she grabbed y/n's hair and sniffed it.

"Aya, she's royalty alright! Smells like death too!" The old woman placed her hair into the cauldron, and black smoke lifted off. The liquid became a thick black, but when she poured it all in a cup, it turned yellow. "How does it taste like?" Katara asked her.

The old woman snickered, "it may look like lemonade, but trust me that it taste like crap. Don't worry, once she drinks this, the spell will work in two minutes after!" Suki nods, and Katara froze the cup. They rush off towards the group, in hopes of reaching before it was there time to leave and battle Ozai!

Aang had y/n sat in his laps, with his hand constantly rubbing her back. She was experiencing so much pain all over, she began to think she was sick! To top it off her fingernails were starting to literally rot away, and hot lava poured down her nostrils every now and then.

"Aang," y/n groaned, "when will it end? Why did I come back just to suffer?"

His greyish-brown eyes filled with tears when he stretched his hand on her face, rubbing the blood covered cloth on her eyes. He shakily kisses her, sharp breaths exchanged when she felt his tongue on hers, and Aang tasted the raw metal of blood.

"Baby, I love you so much." Y/n nodded, holding Aang's hand tighter, "I love you too idiot." Katara hands him the cup, and Aang melted the ice, heating up the disgusting liquid before handing it over to y/n. He smiled warmly at her, though she couldn't see it.

Her lips on the cup, she drank it all in one gulp, her face twisted. "Ew, Aang, what am I drinking?" Aang nervously rubbed her back again, "are you feeling better?" "I am! Much better! But this shit is much worst than the onion banana juice!"

There was silence for a while until Aang spoke again. "Say, y/n! Wanna cuddle? I know it may be a weird request, but I just wanna feel your warmth a little while longer." When she didn't respond, Aang tilted her chin. He removed the cloth from her eyes, staring right back into her dull e/c orbs.

The avatar closed his own eyes, hugged her close and cried into her shoulder. "I'm so sorry you were brought back!" Snot covered her, "I should have been more alert, I would have been able to stop it!!" He looked up at Sokka, who fixed his war clothes, "those were her last words!"

"Come on Aang, let's go defeat the Fire Lord. For her." Katara nods, patting Aang's back gently, "come on Aang." By the time he stood with y/n in his arms, her body already started to whither away into ash.

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