Chapter 36- Second Chakra

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Hello! Forgive me, but the chapters to come will be short, and represents each stage y/n goes through in controlling the avatar state.

"You've unlocked the first gate," Jobo tells the h/t haired girl, "how do you feel?" Y/n shrugs, "eh. I feel pretty normal!" "Yeah, but don't you feel your belly kicking?" Aang asked her while clenching his. "What? That doesn't sound right Aang!" Y/n pushed her hand in his face, shoving him back with a groan.

"It doesn't?" Aang thinks back on his words, and his face exploded with colour! "Y-you're right. I make it sound like you're pregnant-" "don't even explain it flight bag!!"

Jobo cackled as he leaned over with his feet crossed. "You two, are going to live a long and happy life! In, and out of the spirit realm!" His deep brown eyes gazed at the two. "I can feel it in my heart."

Jobo stood and strutted out of the murky waters, his feet making yucky gushing sounds with each step he took. "It's really good for your skin really!" He yelled back at the lovers. "Is it? This feels disgusting!" Aang told the old man. Jobo chuckled, "oh I remember coming here when I was just your ages! Maybe a little younger!"

He sighed, "my old girl and I would go skinny dipping in these waters! But one day we came to old place, and it was so full of algae. Honestly, we thought water benders did this to us, because some of them used to live up here! Maybe we pissed them off with our...young selves!"

"That was horrible to listen to." Y/n muttered loud enough for them both to hear. They stop walking at a running waterfall, and Jobo sat behind it. "Sit next to me, and Aang?" "Huh?" Aang stopped himself from poking a weird looking flower, "yeah Old Man Jobo?" "Don't touch that!" And just as he said that the flower opened up to reveal a frog ish face with a very long tongue. To put it to words, it wasn't a flower.

The rare breed of the frog hopped over Aang like he was a log and plunged into water below.

"The next stage, is water." The old man told her. He picked up his cup and drank more of that juice, "and the water chakra deals is in the sacrum, deals with pleasure, and is blocked by guilt." Jobo eyed the avatar suspiciously. "Do you blame yourself for anything?" To this, y/n nodded her head as she looked down at the earth.

She blamed herself, for not being able to stop the war when it was in reach during the very beginning of the war. But that's a topic for another time.

She blamed herself, for the capture of her mother. She knew she should have acted when the letter first came, but she didn't. And that deeply made her hate herself.

Lastly she blamed herself for the losing of her grandmother's bracelet. She blamed herself for being so careless all those years ago, and losing it.

"You must accept that these things happen and try to prevent them from clouding your own judgment, and thus poisoning your energy!" Jobo smiled when Aang laced his fingers with y/n, and kissed her hand gently as in to reassure her everything was going to be alright. "You have to forgive yourself y/n, if you want to maintain a positive influence on this world. Especially, in a time like this."

Aang's hand slowly left hers, and y/n closed her eyes. 'It's not your fault,' she thought to herself, 'so you shouldn't feel bad. I forgive myself, with all my heart.' and hot tears ran down her eyes. How could she forgive herself, without feeling such overwhelming emotions?

Her tears dried out, and Jobo nodded. "The second stage, is accomplished."

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