Chapter 22

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Hello, and welcome to Chapter 22. To be continued. As you have probably noticed I edited the book placing the very first official chapter. Do not worry, this book is not ending, I'm just putting the book on hold for a while.

The way a manga artist stops writing because they need to plan the rest of the series, that's what I'll be doing with this book. Part two might be out sometime next week. I ask kindly to not lose interest, and I thank those that comment, those that added the book to their library, and those that read this far.

You are all an amazing bunch of viewers. I'm surprised this book even got attention. Thank you for reading! Until next week! :3

Other books you can check it if interested;

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And that's just to name a few.


Before you go!

Next updates expect;

A lemon


Mild Swearing


Possible LGBT.

"I Remember" // Aang x reader \\Where stories live. Discover now