Chapter 21- A Night to Remember

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From Team Avatar we'll be strolling right into the one two hundred plus years ago.


Aang stood in the middle of Katara and Toph, countering and deflecting each attack thrown to him. Katara handled a string of water, dashing it towards Aang just as Toph moved a nearby rock and clapped it at Aang. He jumps mid air, bending the earth towards Katara and smacking the water on Toph's feet. He nearly landed, when fire was launched at him, making him quickly shoot it back.

"Hey! Zuko that was totally uncalled for!" He yelled to the firebender. Zuko chuckled, grabbing his bag and throwing his hood over his head. "You gotta keep your guard on, Aang." He started walking towards a hot air balloon, when Sokka called to him. "And where do you think you're going?" "Who me?" Zuko scratched his hair, "I'm going to the Fire Nation, checking up on the updates to report back!"

Sokka gave a sigh, his hair falling in his face, "honestly, why can't we all just relax one day without being so uptight about those idiots!" No one payed him mind, and Zuko got into the air balloon. "I'll be back!" Zuko yelled.

When he was out of view, Suki came walking towards the group carrying a basket of berries. "Suki!!" Sokka yelled, hugging her tightly. "I've missed you!" "Okay Sokka!" Suki pushed him off gently, then approached Aang. "Hey Aang, can you continue the story?" The group sat down and Aang gave her a kind smile, "yeah sure!" His eyes lit up again, and Katara stood up leaving, not wanting to listen to the tales of his ex.

It was a cool day in Ba Sing Se, and the trio were off doing stuff for themselves. Rai was helping his neighbour with their pigs, Aang was training elsewhere, and y/n was sitting by a cliff, staring off at nothing below.

Not a building, not a cactus, nothing.

Her face expression was unreadable. No one tried looking for her, that was until Aang realised he hasn't teased her for the day. Rai was too preoccupied, so the boy had set out on finding the princess. As he walked the city, he looked in every alleyway, tea shop, in hopes of finding her.

But no y/n. "She's about to jump!" Aang didn't know why, but he sprinted to that area and watched in horror as y/n stood there. Immobile, and silent. "Y/n!!" She looked back with a glare, "step away from the cliff, y/n." He told her with a smile.

"No." "Y/n don't!!" She jumped off, and Aang stupidly jumped after her. It was a big mistake, because it seemed like everyone misunderstood what was happening. As y/n fell, she performed, earth, wind, and fire. Like she was practicing. Aang quickly clinged to a twig, and he pushed himself back up to the cliff.

"Everything's okay! She's only training!" But Aang couldn't dismiss those cold dead eyes of hers. They got more dead every year, and it made Aang actually start to look at her some more. What was going on in her head? Is what he needed to know.

Before Aang could peek over and yell to her, a blast of fire flew past his face, and Aang clenched his clothes in shock and fear. "That was totally uncalled for!" "You were in my way."

They stood there having a stare off. It only lasted a few minutes before a little boy walked over and tapped Aang's shoulder. He looks down, and got to his height. "Are you two together?" The little boy asked. Aang blushed furiously, "n-no." Then the boy ran off.

As y/n walked away Aang caught up with her. He gave his signature goofy smile, and saw her cheeks turn another shade. The s/c girl was blushing.

The boy felt proud he at least had this effect on the princess. "Y/n, this is just a one time thing, so please say yes!" Y/n stopped to stare at Aang. "Please go out with me!" Aang bowed to her. It shocked y/n truly, because Aang has never been so upfront about his feelings.

"Sure." "Huh?" She answered so quickly! "I said yes, flight bag." Immediately he clinged to her hand, and Aang rushed through the crowd of people. "Sorry, but I bought tickets to see these animals perform earlier, and now we're late!" The two approach a rather buffed up guy, who gave the teenagers the evil eye. "What are you punks doing here?" He growled.

"We've got tickets!" Aang bravely told him. He took the paper from Aang's hand and scanned each to ensure they weren't fake, then his mood changed. "Welcome!" Aang and y/n go pass the tent, into a huge setting. They were people stacked in seats, and they managed to get the best seats there! Sitting to the middle, Aang had bought them squid sticks and even cake!

Which was hard to attain, but he managed. They were holding hands, not really focusing on the performances. Even up to the point where a tiger seal jumped through a flamming hoop! A love story was on, and the acting shook them all.

The man had said to the woman, "my darling, why don't you love me?" To which the woman responds with, "it's not that I don't love you! It's that, I'm scared to love!"

Aang glanced over to y/n. He cleared his throat, and she looked his way at last. "Y/n.." he bit his lip, "why don't me?" There was silence. "Are you serious right now?" "I need to know." Aang told her. "One time we're going on like an old married couple, the next you hate me! I have feelings for you, I've had them for a while now. We've kissed at least two times! Yet still after all of that, you treat me this way! Like you don't even care if I die."

Y/n quickly pulled Aang into a tight hug. "Aang you idiot." She said. "I was too young to be in love back when we were twelve, and I'm still deciding what I want!" It was the first she's ever shown him this much emotion, and probably the last. Y/n felt Aang tilt her chin with his finger, their eyes made contact and Aang smiled. "As long as you feel what I feel." She nodded slowly, and Aang couldn't stop tears from falling. "Y/n," he said, "I'll wait for you."

He turned to keep watching the play when y/n turned him right back around, and she pressed her lips against his deeply. Aang didn't back down, snaking his arms around her waist letting it rest their, tilting his head so their mouths made music, her hand at the back of his head as they didn't let go. So many emotions displayed in that one kiss. Love, passion, fear, anger. They let it all out, right as their lips made love.

The show over, Aang and y/n left the area. Rai had brought Kazan to them, and the avatar, along with her friend with benefits, got into the saddle. "Where too Avatar Y/n?" Rai asked her as she took control of Kazan. General Xiao and Cathree waved them off, and Ba Sing Se got smaller as they went farther away.

"Isn't it obvious?" Y/n asked as Kazan flew above a giant body of water, "the Northern Water Tribe!"

Aang fist bumps the air, "alright! We can learn so much about Avatar Kuruk! Y/n, maybe you can connect with him there!!" Y/n chuckled, "him? Man, he's a douche. I was really hoping to see Avatar Kyoshi!" Rai yawned, "her shrine is on Kyoshi Island!"

"Maybe we could stop th-" "no." Y/n told Aang. "We've come too far to turn back, and we're running out of time." Her e/c eyes darkened, "I have to master water."

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