"What's wrong, mi amor?" He asks coming up behind me. I twirl around placing my hand over my racing heart. I had been so focused on trying to find the tea bags I didn't hear him enter.

"Goddess you scared me." I say with a nervous chuckle. I avert my eyes when he gives me a soft smile. I side step when he reaches out to touch me. "I'm looking for tea bags but can't find them." I see him frown from the corner of my eye.

"They're over here." Says a womans voice. So the mysterious woman followed him, did she? I glance in her direction.

She reaches into a cupboard, the shirt she's wearing slides up her stomach and lower back. I really wish I didn't glance at Marcellus so I could of missed when he checked her out. He quickly looks at me with a quilty expression reaching out to touch me again but I move away.

"Here you go." The woman says walking over to me to hand me two tea bags. Sense she clearly knows her way around the kitchen I ask her where the cups are too. I thank her politely as I take the mug from her.

I walk over to the kitchen sink and run cold water. I put my tea bags in the mug and glance around the kitchen for the microwave. The woman points in the direction of the microwave and I thank her again, my face slowly turning red in embarrassment.

Neither of them were going to tell me who she is and I wasn't interested in asking. I place my mug in the microwave.

I spot the pantry and walk over to see if there were any lemons inside. Spotting some I grab one and head back into the kitchen. I know a lot of people use ginger to help with an upset stomach but I've never liked the stuff. Lemon works just fine for me.

I was hoping neither of them would still be in the kitchen when I came out of the pantry but was disappointed to see them both still in here. Talking softly together. I grab a knife and slice up the lemon.

"Cora, you didn't answer my question." Marcellus clears his throat.

"Hmm. What question?" I ask distractedly. I was squeezing the lemon juice into my tea and trying to ignore them.

"What's wrong?" He asks a little annoyed.

My heart aches even more. I have to will the tears threatening to leave my eyes to not spill over.

"Nothing is wrong, no worries. Just an upset stomach. Tea and sleep will help with that." I tell him reassuringly. Though I'm not sure why I was trying to reassure him. He didn't seem even the slightest bit concerned. Just annoyed with me.

"You need to eat. When was the last time you ate something?" He asks with irritation.

"I'll be fine Marc. I'll eat when I wake up from my nap." I snap at him.

I pick up my mug and leave the kitchen. I shut my mind off as I head upstairs. Instead of going into the room I woke up in I head for a spare bedroom I had spotted on my way to the kitchen.

I sip my tea some and place it on the nightstand by the bed. I bundle myself into a cocoon in the blanket and fall fast asleep. My dreams are filled with Marcellus and that beautiful woman.


I wake up feeling a little better. My tea is cold so I bring it back down to the kitchen. I pass a maid on my way down the stairs. I give her a soft smile and she returns it. I'm glad no one is anywhere to be found as I make my way through the house. I'm relieved to see no one is in the kitchen either.

I just finished heating up chicken noodle soup and sat down at the kitchen island when I hear a familiar laugh. My stomach clamps up and my heart picks up speed. I was hoping not to see either of them again.

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