Meeting Leona Salvatore

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Six-Year-Old Ayana Zaremski POV:

Wahhh! I'm so excited! Today, I'm finally able to learn combat. I feel like running around and waving my hands around the air in excitement or jumping up and down, but I'll definitely look like a crazy person if I did that. I'm supposed to be a lady, not a crazy person, my pride would feel like it's been stabbed by knives if I allowed other people to see me in such a state.

That's why I opted for going to my room to let all my excitement out, which took me thirty minutes since I have so much excess energy from the excitement of the news.

After finally calming myself down, I quickly prepared myself to meet the Salvatore's. My brothers are also coming with me since the Salvatore's are one of the best combat teachers in the whole world.

During the carriage ride to the Salvatore's estate, I found out that our family and the Salvatore's are actually on really good terms. The Salvatore's have one son and one daughter. I'm excited to meet the daughter of the Salvatore household, I wanted to make some friends in this life since I was a loner in my last life.

It wasn't that I was unfriendly, I just looked hard to approach, my face always had a deadbeat expression on it. Which, wasn't my fault since I was born with an expressionless face and a monotonous voice, although my sister complained that I was emotionless all the time.

Most of the time I just ignored her complaining, no sense in arguing with her, she had too many emotions to understand someone who had emotions but didn't have the ability to express them. I swear both of my siblings acted like the world was their oyster most of the time, well my parents did spoil them whenever they had the chance, but they didn't pay much attention to me because as the oldest I was expected to take care of everything.

Now, I'm the youngest out of three children, which means I'm being doted on by both my parents and my older brother. It was nice at first, but now I'm finding it to be annoying because of how much they pamper me on a daily basis. I especially hate it when my parents go all overprotective, I appreciate the sentiment but I really hate being coddled non-stop not to mention the overprotectiveness.

Sorry, mom and dad, your daughter doesn't like being coddled. I'm an independent person, I'd like to make my own choices without people watching every move I make, I swear I once thought about jumping through the window just to escape from all that watching. But that would probably make it worse so I had to give up on jumping out of the window.

I had three main reasons for wanting to learn combat, number one it seems interesting and I wanted to challenge myself. The second reason for wanting to learn combat was that if I learned it and was good at it then I could finally convince my parents to stop having people watching me and the last reason for learning combat is just in case I need it to ward off anyone that may try to attack me, such as people in the heroine's fan club.

I know, it may seem strange to think that the heroine has some type of fan club but it's true, there was a fan club, the members are super devoted to her. I think there was one route where the fan club member's decided to erase the villainesses from the world because they were posing as a threat to the heroine.

The scene was pretty gruesome and the fan club members were crazy. The only reason I remembered that scene was because It made me wary of fan clubs because my siblings were really popular in school and they even had a fan club. After seeing that scene, I got a little paranoid and had trouble relaxing around people, I so did not want to be one of the victims of a fan club.

The fan club members of the heroine were so abnormal though. I sometimes wondered if they were even sane but the heroine seemed to get along well with them even though most of the time they barely even acted like humans.

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