I Will Protect My Family

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As soon as the clock hit 3 o'clock, I closed the book I was reading and went to join my family for lunch. The mansion was huge so it took me some time to find the dining room. As I was lifted to be sat on a chair by a nearby maid, I promised myself that after lunch, I'll explore the mansion so I won't get lost.

"Goud aftonoon mommy, daddy, and brover's." I said smiling brightly at my family.

Although I was internally cringing, I managed not to show it on my face. Gosh, this is so embarrassing, I pronounced almost my whole sentence wrong. I understand that kids have trouble pronouncing words during the first few years of their life but I have the mentality of an adult.

Although everything seems okay since my family looked so happy about my greeting even if I did mess up a lot.

"Good afternoon Ayana." my mother and father greeted me back warmly.

"Good afternoon, Yana." my brothers greeted me simultaneously.

As expected of twins, they're very synchronized and what is this, my brothers are so kawaii~ My brothers will be heartbreakingly gorgeous when they grow up with just the way they look now. Ah~ I'm kinda envious right now, I wished I had amazing good looks like my brothers, I looked at myself in the mirror before and I looked, well, normal.

"Ayana, remember you have to eat your vegetables." my mother told me as she saw the vegetables on my plate.

"Kay, mommy," I replied. I planned to eat my vegetables anyway since If I don't eat them I won't have a balanced diet and if I don't have a balanced diet, I can't become strong and protect myself.

"Mommy, daddy, I'm goving to eat my vegtabels frov now on, so that I can becav strov." I told my parents seriously.

My parents looked at me in surprise and smiled warmly towards me.

"Don't worry Yana, I'll protect you from anything that'll hurt you." Anton proclaimed confidently, puffing up his chest.

"Me too! Me too!" Aspen energetically joined in.

"That's good," my father said, "you must protect your sister from any bugs that'll go near her."

Huh? Why would bugs go after me? I'm not a bug magnet and why do my brothers need to protect me from them? Puzzled, I looked at my mother for help, but she simply smiled and didn't answer my puzzled look.

"Of course with us around no bugs will go near her," Anton said with a smirk.

Dude, what's with that look and what bugs are you talking about. Please speak in a language I can understand. (*Internally crying*)

"Yes, we will get rid of any bugs that'll get close to Yana," Aspen replied solemnly.

"But I wanna propec mommy, daddy, and brover's," I said looking at my brothers and my parents.

Their faces turned as red as tomatoes, after a while the redness receded, and they gave me a warm look of love in return to my earnest expression. I wonder why there faces turned red though?

My mother smiled at me and said kindly, "Sweetie you don't need to protect us, we have guards around the house to do that."

"I knov, but I still wav to provec you guys." I said enthusiastically while bouncing on my chair and looking at them expectantly, I asked, "So when I turvn six, can I learv to fivt?"

My parents' faces instantly softened, looking happy about my comment. 

"Yana, fighting is dangerous and hard, are you sure you want to learn how to fight?" Anton asked me with a worried expression.

"Yes," I replied to Anton's question with utter conviction in my tone and I realized that it was true. Although I haven't known my new family for very long, I knew that they loved me very much and I realized that I love them back as well.

Whenever they smile at me there's this warm feeling that washes through my body, it's very soothing and I realized that I liked this feeling. So because I love them I'll protect them and I will not let my brothers fall victim to that wimpy heroine, I'll train them, so they'll be able to resist the heroine's charms.

While these thoughts passed through my mind, I slowly started formulating a plan inside my head. 'Brothers please bear with me I'll make sure that you'll be able to resist the heroine's womanly charms~'

Timeskip: Six Hours Later

Ah~ I finally managed to finish exploring the house. My legs are so tired and I'm so sleepy, but that's to be expected as my body is that of a two-year-old. I had to take breaks from time to time while I was exploring the house since a two-year-old body tires easily.

Dang! I really want to grow up quicker. This two-year-old body is so weak, even a cat can knock me down at this rate. But I can't start training now since I'm too young, my body might break down if I put too much stress on this two-year-old body of mine. But I want to quickly grow up and protect everyone.

This is my chance to finally have a proper family and I won't let some lousy half baked heroine steal it from me. I'll fight her head-on if I have to.

Quickly changing into my nightwear, I tucked myself into my bed and proceeded to fall asleep while thinking of all the ways to protect my family from the heroine's evil charms.

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