History of Eathera

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Origin Story 

Legend has it that Eathera came to be from the remains of a Phoenix. It's said that long ago Eathera started to fade away. Monsters crawled out from Eathera's darkest pits and terrorized the people. When almost all hope was lost, Eathera's guardian beast, the Phoenix appeared. The Phoenix cleansed the world of these dark beasts, using its Fire of Purification, the fire reshaped Eathera, and sacrificing its life, it used its life force to grant humanity magic to protect them if there's ever a need.

But as not all things are easy, even after the Phoenix sacrificed its life to protect Eathera, some of these dark beasts' continued to roam Eathera. These beasts' would later be called Void Eaters for their insatiable hunger, and their ability to drain life from living things. That's when the Great Magician Magius appeared along with this World's Great Hero, Seimore.

They traveled around the world to purge the world of the Void Eaters. After battling and defeating the Great King of the Void Eaters, they helped heal the land the void eaters took life from. After the land was healed the Great Magician and the Great Hero disappeared without a trace.

The Kingdom of Magius was named after the Great Magician Magius and in honor of her, schools and research institutes were built to teach people as Magius was not only a magician but she was also a scholar.

Eathera Layout

(Lumen1128: I drew the map myself so sorry if it's not very detailed)

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(Lumen1128: I drew the map myself so sorry if it's not very detailed)

Eathera's split into five kingdoms Liarzen the Agricultural Kingdom, Obaline the Crafter Kingdom, Yuzuki the Seaside Kingdom, Sarfiar the Untamed Kingdom, and Magius the Kingdom of Mages.

The Kingdom of Liarzen specializes in farming and agriculture, they take pride in their crops and they have good harvests each year with abundant rain and sunshine. Liarzen is known for it's rich and fertile soil as well it's hot springs.

The Kingdom of Obaline is home to elves and dwarfs, which are well known for their superb crafting skills. They also happen to have an abundance of mines which contains a large quantity of crystals, gold, silver, etc. Which they use for crafting. Oblaline is also known for its crystal trees that grow out of the Sacred Pools.

The Kingdom of Yuzuki is bordered by the sea which contains an abundance of marine creatures. Although Eathera is surrounded by the ocean only the water's around Yuzuki seems to hold an abundance of marine creatures. That's why Yuzuki is known for its seafood and the Cherry blossom tree's that bloom yearly during the Full Moons Festival.

The Kingdom of Sarfiar is known for its unnatural climate as well as the wild vegetation that grows there. Sarfiar is home to the beastkin, which are human's who went through a mutation that allowed them to gain animal traits such as animal ear's and turning into an animal at will, they also have above-average hearing and strength compared to humans. They're known for their unusual crops, exquisite weaving, and handicrafts.

The Kingdom of Magius is well known for its educational institutes as well as their research institutes. They're known to be the center of innovation as well as research. Magius is also known for its large libraries and its trade routes to the other four kingdoms, which makes them the center of trade. Although sea routes are also available, their less convenient.

All five kingdoms have a peace treaty with each other.


Magic is split into classes of rarity and it isn't split into which ones are strong or weak. The most important thing about magic is control and imagination, if the user of the magic is weak, the magic will naturally also be weak.













Beast Whisperer



Very Rare:

















Destruction (Death)

Creation (Life)


A normal person usually has one magic affinity, having two is pretty rare, and having three is even rarer.

Nobles usually have a higher mana capacity for magic than commoners.

There are academies for students to learn magic and other educational information. The main academy is usually for nobles and gifted people so commoners are allowed to attend the main academy, but they have to be very gifted. Of course, there are also the branch academies that are for lower less educated nobles as well as commoners. 

Magican Ranking

The ranking system is pretty basic from level 1 to 100. People that reach level 100 is very rare throughout history there have only been 4 magicians that have reached level 100 or beyond including the Great Magician Magius and the Great hero Seimore, but they existed sixty-eight hundred thousand years ago.

A person can level up by training or defeating beasts/monsters. 


In this world people also have special abilities, which may be similar to magic except for the fact that abilities don't use as much mana as magic. Some abilities don't need to use mana at all, there are four classes of abilities. Abilities that require mana, abilities the require stamina, abilities that require both mana and stamina, and abilities that require neither stamina nor mana.

There are many types of abilities, so I won't try to list them all.


Uses coins

1 Gold = 10 Silver = 100 Copper = 1,000 Bronze

You can also use a card that stores your money so that it's easier to carry because carrying around a bunch of heavy coins would be inconvenient. The cards are enchanted so that if you lose it, It'll return back to you, so you don't need to worry about someone stealing it.

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