Alliance of Kidnapped Children

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"I'm Valerie Langston, let's work together to beat these boneheaded jackasses up." She said looking at me straight in the eye while holding out her hand, waiting for me to shake it.

"Pfft, boneheaded jackasses? Do you have a better line than that?" I asked, trying not to laugh as I shook with the effort.

"Do you have a better idea?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"How about birdbrained turd?" I suggested.

"Isn't that even worse than mine?" She looked at me as if saying, "bro, are you serious?"

Hmmm, yeah it does sound worse. But it would be weird to admit it after commenting on hers, eh, whatever, "True, we both suck then."

"By the way, why me?" I asked tilting my head, "I mean not that I don't think I'm capable of beating these guys up, but wouldn't a normal person want a buffer stronger looking person?"

"Sometimes the most unsuspecting person can be the most dangerous person and in this case, we need someone with brains more than muscles."

"Plus to be perfectly honest were all pretty scrawny and weak." She said, "but there's strength in numbers, so we can gang up on those guys."

"Wow, you're pretty smart. How old are you?" I asked, impressed with how smart she was.

"I'm currently six years old."

"Really? I'm also six years old."

"Ummm....aren't you two getting a" A girl with ginger-colored pigtails said in a quiet voice.

"Sorry," I said apologetically, "so how do you guys want to beat up our kidnappers?" I asked, with my eyes shining.

Can you blame me for being excited to beat up my kidnappers that treated me roughly despite the fact that I'm just a little girl? I probably won't be able to land a kick or a punch on them, but at least I got my revenge.

Although I normally don't hold grudges, I've decided to make an exception this time. I mean, who wouldn't hold a grudge if they've been held captive and got tossed around by some unknown people.

Oh, yeah, the heroine wouldn't hold a grudge because they're, oh so pure and innocent. Having a heart of gold and a kind mindset. I mean she was creepily kind and innocent in the game that I found it suspicious. There is no way anyone can be that naive!

I admit I'm not a super nice person, but the way the heroine acted was just too much of an overkill, that it's hard to believe that the way she acted was genuine. Plus if you were truly pure and innocent would you really go around and capture the hearts of the most wanted bachelor's that already have a fiance? I mean, if that's your definition of pure and innocent then go for it but I don't believe that such a person is actually a one hundred percent pure white lotus.

In a world where people socialize with each other only because they have ulterior motives, there is no way that the heroine doesn't have a secret agenda. I mean even though she lived the life of a commoner, it doesn't mean that she grew up to be kind, loving, and innocent. People no matter what their social standing is all have something they desire and as human beings to achieve that desire you will do anything in your power to achieve that goal even if it means taking away the happiness of others and using them as a stepping stone.

Of course, I'm not saying all humans are like that, there are people that are truly genuine and there are people that work to achieve their goals without stepping on others. But I don't think there will be a lot of people like that out there, I mean good people always seem to die before the bad people.

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