Explosive Science Class

221 13 1

Right now this guy needs some serious reassurance or else he'll fall into a deep depression worrying about his doom at the hands of his fellow capture targets.

It makes sense, they've fallen in love with the same girl and happen to be fighting over her love, there's bound to be some bloodshed. Not to mention he's somehow associated himself with me and I'm supposed to be a villainess, although I'm in disguise right now.

I smiled at Aiden, "do your best."

There, that should be enough encouragement. Though I didn't get to see his expression afterward since the teacher started to explain how this introductory experiment worked.

I wonder if we're making explosives, that would be so cool.

"Now this experiment is really simple, we're going to blow up a balloon with yeast."

....Wait, are you joking with me? This is fun at all!! This is a scam!!! A total scam!!! This is supposed to be a world full of magic and this school is supposed to teach magic so why are we doing this type of easy elementary school experiment!

No, the teacher has to be joking with us right. I raised my hand to ask a question.

"Mrs., we're not actually doing this right?"

"Of course we're doing this, why wouldn't we be doing this?"

Because it's boring. Not that I can say those words out loud since the rest of the class seems excited about this.

I glanced at Aiden to see how he felt about this boring experiment. For some reason, he's wearing a look of relief on his face. Are you that bad at science that you're relieved that you got something so easy to do?

I want something more interesting to do, why are these people in school so boring? You're killing the fun here.

Wait, if they won't let me have fun I can always make my own fun right? No one said I couldn't have fun right?

While I was thinking of ways to have fun the teacher had already passed out all the ingredients needed for the experiment. It's too bad that they only handed out ingredients needed for this experiment. I can't do anything with these types of ingredients.

The least I can do is throw a water balloon at the teacher, which wouldn't be fun at all since I only have one balloon. You could have handed out more balloons you know, no one would complain about that.


It seems that this class will be very boring. I wish I brought something to entertain myself. At least I brought candy with me.

I reached into my handbag to grab the hard candy I put in there earlier this morning. Instead of touching a candy wrapper, my fingers brushed against something soft and squishy.

Huh, did I put something in my handbag without knowing? Curious, I grabbed the thing and pulled it out of my handbag. To my surprise, I pulled out a Gloom Slime Flower. I wonder, when did I put this in my bag?

Well, that doesn't matter. I can make something explode now, Gloom Slime Flowers are harmless, but they will explode when they come in contact with heat.

All I have to do is to let it come in contact with heat and throw it towards the front of the classroom. The next thing it'll do is go kaboom, after it explodes a slimy substance will come out.

Hoho, no one can stop me from having fun.

Without realizing it my face split into a huge run. I must have looked quite mischievous since Aiden who was sitting beside me looked warily at me.

"What are you planning, now?"

"Nothing much."

"So you are planning something," he said rather accusingly.

"Hush. Just watch and don't interfere with my plans."

"I have a bad feeling about this so-called plan of yours."

"Thank you?"

"Why are you thanking me?"

"Because you're complimenting my master plan?"

"I don't think I was giving out a compliment, though."

"So what? I took it as one."

"Whatever your master plan is, don't get me caught up in it."

"I'll try not to."

"That doesn't sound very reassuring."

I didn't bother to respond to his comment. Right now what's important is to start and slimy explosion.

I quickly conjured up a tiny flame with my magic and held it close to the flower. I waited for it to start rocking, signaling that it was ready to explode. Before it could explode in my lap, I quickly threw it towards the front of the classroom.

It wasn't long before I heard the sound equivalent to a balloon popping, just as the sound was released a slimy substance exploded out of the flower.

The students in front of the class screamed out in surprise as the flower exploded and the slimy substance landed on them.

I wish I had more Gloom Slime Flowers, I would have liked to throw more of those at people.

"Who threw that!" Someone shrieked out.

Hmmm, who was it that shrieked those words out? I looked towards the direction of the voice and saw the teacher.

Oops? It seems the slime from the gloom slime flower I threw got on the teacher and by the looks of it, a lot got on her.

I raised my hand high up in the air and announced.

"I did it."

That seemed to get the attention of the teacher and the whole class. Most of the class looked at me as if I was an idiot and some looked at me with pity. What are those looks for? I was just being honest. Hey, Aiden, don't look at me like that! I'm not an idiot.

"You!" The teacher shrieked pointing at me.

Don't you have manners teacher, it's rude to point.

"Did you not hear what I said during the beginning of class, I said not to do anything without my permission. I explicitly told the whole class to follow my directions!" The teacher glowered at me looking fuming mad.

At the rate she was going I could definitely cook an egg on top of her head. Too bad I didn't bring a frying pan with me. Maybe I should bring one next time?

"I didn't listen to whatever you said during the beginning of class," I stated matter of factly.

I was too focused on my own thoughts that I didn't bother to listen to the teacher.

What I said must have pissed the teacher off even more since she started fuming even more, at this rate her face will look like a boiled lobster. Speaking of lobster, I'm hungry now, I want to eat food.

The teacher, shaking in anger from head to toe pointed at the door.

I tilted my head trying to figure out why she was pointing at the door.

"Out. . ."

Out? Is she trying to tell me that I can leave this boring class early?

"Out of this room this instant and -"

I walked out of the classroom before she could even finish her words. I'm hungry, let's go find me some food! (*'∀')♪

By the way, where's the cafeteria? !(◎_◎;)

*Sigh* I Got Reincarnated As The Villainess of an Otome Gameحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن