I Plan to Show Them the Real World

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Six-Year-Old Ayana Zaremski POV:

Ah, I'm six years old already, time sure flies fast when you having fun. During these four years of my life, I found out that my parents and my brothers doted on me a lot. I can understand how Ayana in the otome game was so useless. Her family doted on her so much that she didn't think she needed to try anything, 'even if I don't do anything I'll still be perfect.' That's the mentality she grew up with.

For me, having such a loving family is a blessing when I grew up in a family that rarely interacted with each other, and when we did it was so awkward. But it's different now, I have a loving family that dotes on me a lot.

But I find it very irresponsible the way my brothers abandoned Ayana in the game, although she grew up to be a rich snobby brat, that was the result of her family over-pampering her. So the way she acted was partly their fault and when they realized that she was growing to be an obnoxious brat, they didn't do anything to correct her ways.

Although I know that a person is responsible for their own decisions, as an adult you should teach the younger less experienced generation the right way. But that doesn't mean that if you're older your smarter. It's a matter of listening to the words of others carefully and taking notes on what you can improve on.

Those are things I realized early on in my past life, being a child you would naturally think that the words of an adult are absolute. But I realized that not even adults are perfect, like all people they are flawed, there is no such thing as a perfect human being. Even if a person seems perfect, they are not, simply put humans are not meant to be perfect. Society is cruel, it is merciless even to children, so if you want to survive you need to open your eyes and see the world as it is.

A dirty place filled with violence and pain, a place that spins lies into truths. Unless you seek out the truth, you'll only find lies. Unless you reach out for something, you'll never reach it. Yes, the world is a black-and-white world that's filled with greys.

That's why I will use my very own hands to shape my future, I won't let anyone else but me be the shaper of my future, and in order to reach that future, I must show my brother the darker side of this world. Innocence is bliss but it can also be a curse, a curse that'll strip you of everything you hold dear in a blink of an eye.

So in order to protect my family, I must harden my heart and show them that the world isn't always a bright place. As nobles, we live a life of luxury, but as nobles, we sometimes forget that there's a whole different world out there, outside of our bubble.

My brothers are eight this year, I think eight is old enough to understand the workings of this world. Plus both my brothers are known as prodigies because of how smart they are for their age group. I should probably ask them to go to Lostel City with me, from the books I've read Lostel City has the first highest crime rates in Magius, it also happens to be pretty close to here.

Hmmm. . . . But I wonder. . . If Lostel City is the city with the first highest crime rates....why would father leave it unchecked. As the person governing the Zaremski Dukedom, shouldn't father work to lessen the crime rates and make the city safer?

Well, no time to think about that now, I need to set my plan into motion. I think I'll figure out why father hasn't gotten rid of the taint in Lostel City when I get there. No need to fret, I mean what could possibly go wrong?

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