chapter 23.

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(Steven's P.O.V)
We were all sitting out in a clearing just outside of Lavabridge.
Brendon and May where having a battle, I was watching while Ruby was sitting against a tree but one thing I didn't realize is that Ruby had dozed off. I gestured a movement to Brendon, he stopped the battle. I didn't want to wake Ruby, She works really hard to keep her team moving so she needs the rest and the energy.
I walked over to her and gently moved her bangs over....not even a flinch,
"She's out cold" Brendon said
"You think" May said. I sat down and picked Ruby up holding her close to me as she slept.
"You really do care for her.....don't you" May said I looked at her and remembered what Maxie said
"If I where you mr. Stone you wouldn't want your precious girlfriend here to get hurt now would you".......
I couldn't Imagine what they would do to her.
I looked down at Ruby as she slept and smiled
"Of course I care about her.....she pushes herself past her limits. She's trying to find out who she really is" I replied.
"She is incredibly strong" Brendon said.
But that's when I felt Ruby shiver or something cause when I looked down at her she was shaking.................violently.

(In Ruby Dream)
(Ruby P.O.V)
I was standing on a cliff latios and for some unknown reason a Verizion where standing on either side of me. But why? I felt a huge explosion go off behind me! Throwing me forward and off the cliff. I grabbed the thinnest Root and held on for dear life. When I felt something grabbing my wrist, when I looked I saw steven
"Thank Arceus you-" I was cut off
"I thought you could do better!"
"Huh what do you mean" I asked
Steven let go of my wrist my body weight than collapsed and I started falling!. Verizion and latios followed Steven and I fell into water.........

(Back in reality)
My eyes shot open, and I was met with Steven's steel blue ones I was breathing heavily.
"What happened" May asked
"Is everything ok" Brendon asked
I shut my eyes and bit my lip Nope I was awake. I took a few deep breaths
"I'm fine"
"Just a startlement that's all" I said
As I stood up....

(No ones P.O.V)

Although Ruby said she was fine. Steven knew that the image Ruby saw in her dream wasn't good and that it will affect her in the nearing future.

Strong as Steel. Steven Stone X OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن