chapter 22

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(May's P.O.V)
Brendon and I just Arrived in Lavabridge town. I was really excited to see Brendon battle Flannery when I heard a similar voice....
I turned and Ruby was standing there and so was Steven I ran over
"Hey guys" I said
"So did you defeat Flannery yet?" I asked
"Passed her with flying colors" Ruby said
"Alright....Brendon your next" I said.
(Time skip cause why the hell not)
We where standing outside eating ice cream let's face it. Its hella warm here in Lavabridge and were all dying of heat stroke.
"You want some blaziken?" Brendon asked I knew exactly where this was going....
Blaziken snatched Brendon ice cream cone and shoved it into her mouth. I nearly dropped my ice cream I was laughing so hard!
"What the? Blazekin!" Brendon snapped
"You asked her if she wanted some so she took some" Ruby said laughing.
"Your not helping Ruby!" Brendon said
"Oh come on she's just trying to make a statement" Steven said holding back his laugh.
"Exactly" Ruby said
"That's it!" Brendon snapped and started running after Ruby.
"Oh Shit" Ruby said

(Ruby P.O.V)
I was yet again running but not away from trinity nope! I was running away from Brendon and he was catching up to me fast and I was getting teird. I hesitated
"Help me out!" I called throwing the ultra ball and mounting on to latios. We where up in the sky, I was teird from running when I had noticed a familiar pokèmon.
A pidgeot...........
"Shoot" I mumbled
The pidgeot was flapping its wings directly in front of me. When it than used double team surrounding me and latios.....then the started flying in circles around us. As there speed picked up I was starting to lose my grip on latios. They where using hurricane! With the speed that they where flying around us I lost my grip and started falling!!!! I shut my eyes and held my breath wating for a strong impact to kill me.......but instead I felt something holding me in place, I opened my eyes and noticed Steven holding me while riding his Metagross. I blushed a deep red
"Are you ok?" He asked concerned
"I think so" I said
"But wait where latios!??!?!?!?" I asked
"He's alright..." Steven said calmly
"A friend came into help".
When I looked I saw latios and latias fighting the double teamed pidgeot. I sighed with relief...
When we landed May and Brendon ran over.
"Are you ok!?!?!?!?" May asked
"I'm fine I'm fine....just shaken up" I explained. Latios flew down and rubbed his head against my arm.
"I'm alright bud" I said
"Thanks for saving me Steven" I said steven smiled and said
"You're welcome"

Strong as Steel. Steven Stone X OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon