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So it's almost 11:00 at night rn and I'm really bored and have nothing else to do. Well besides watch Serena doing her performances- Crap! I'm giving spoilers to xy and xyz. But I'm also giving spoilers to an upcoming story-.....I should shut up actually.

Before you continue on reading. I might be using this oneshot idea again because I like the idea alot anyways! On to the oneshot.... hope you all like it.

(Ruby P.O.V)
I fell onto my bed in the pokèmon center.
"Oof" I grumbled as I fell on my bed.
"That's what happens when you attempt to befriend a gallade" May explained
"Especially a shiny gallade"
"K look I didn't know that the gallades trainer was Anthoney!" I explained
"And besides I was just trying to help a kirlia" I said
"Helping a Kirla or not you shouldn't take on more than three people at once!" Steven said.
"I'm sorry I was just trying to make sure that the kirlia didn't get a broken arm or something.......Especially since it doesn't have a trainer" I explained
"Ok you do have a point there" Brendon said
"And the kirlia did manage to run away freely and unharmed" Brendon added.
"You see" I said
"That gallade.....its pretty much like Trinity and me" I said
"Well actually..........yeah it is" May said.....

(Few hours later)
The group was chilling on there Beds. I looked down and saw Everest sleeping peacefully.
"I'm bored" Brendon sighed
"Hi I'm Bored. Im Ruby" I laughed
May nearly started choking on her water she was laughing so hard!.
"Not helping Ruby" Brendon said
"You're welcome" I said sarcastically
"That's it!" Brendon said and threw a pillow at me. I threw it back with a litte more force May then picked up her pillow and threw it over to Brendon, Brendon instantly throwing it back at her.
Brendon, May and I then started throwing eachother pillows around, pretty much Starting a pillow fight. May and I jumped over to Brendons bed and just started beating him with our pillows. In the meanwhile Steven is just in the background chilling just not helping at all...
"Ok ok ok I surrender I surrender" Brendon cried.
I got up to walk back over to my bed, when I felt a soft yet quick impact on my back. Brendon smacked his pillow against my back. Before I knew it Brendon and May teamed up against me and stated slapping me with there pillows...
"St- Stop Steven help!" I said laughing...Steven sighed sarcastically as he got up grabbed his pillow and started hitting Brendon.
When Brendon back off May threw her pillow against Steven's arm Steven smacked back.
I raised my Pillow and hit Steven right in the face, Steven smacked me back with such force I fell backwards off my bed and landing on Everest.
Everest raised up and my arms dangling over her back and my chin resting on her back.
"Are you ok?" Steven asked.
"Youd good?" Brendon asked.
"I am comfortable" I said.

(2 hours later. Time:10:30)
(Steven's P.O.V)
I couldn't fall asleep. Didn't know why I looked over to Brendon and May nope they are both out like a light but Ruby.......Ruby had her headphones on her legs pulled up and her phone resting on her leg.
Her head was moving up and down and she was mouthing what I'm assuming the lyrics to the song. Her voice raised very lowley and I heard her sing.

"This is my fight song~
take back my life song~
And I don't really care
If nobody else
Cause I still got a lot of fire left in me" Ruby sang softly.
I froze. I've never heard her voice sing. I just sat there staring at her.
"You've got an incredible voice" I said
"Arceus!" Ruby jumped
"I didn't mean to startle you its just your voice" I explained
"Its amazing"
"T-thanks" Ruby said
"I don't normally sing around others. I normally kept my voice down whenever I sing cause I don't want people to hear me" Ruby explained.
"Its incredible" I said
"But why do it so late a night" I asked
"When I can't fall asleep. Or just whenever I have a nightmare" Ruby claimed
"You fell off your bed earlier. Did you have a bad dream" asked
She slowly nodded.
"I don't mind them. But sometimes one does startle me" Ruby said
"So just sing yourself to sleep" I asked
"I know it sound depressing but I wor-" Ruby yawned
"It works"
"Dossent sound depressing it sounds like something an introvert would do" I explained
"Well than I gess that makes me an Introvert...." Ruby said
Ruby yawned again and laid down.
"Goodnight Steven" Ruby said
"Goodnight Ruby"........
"She seems so sad. And scared but at the same time she is fearless and strong" I thought.
"What is with her"

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