chapter 3

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making her way through pettlebug forest she had caught a shroomish, and a tailow that she nicknamed ari. She save a random professor from a team magma admin. She made her way to rustboro, and while walking through the city trying to find a pokemon center she noticed a big  crowd off to the side. She takes a few steps over to see none other than steven stone and his friend Wallace walking off, of course a crowd would form. As much as she wanted to she desperately wanted to go up and ask for a picture but the crowd,
"It would take to long" Ruby thought
"Besides I got better things to do besides wait in a line just for a picture....I'll get another chance"
Right as Ruby turns to leave she looks at Steven One last time, but just then steven looked up right at Ruby and both of them make direct eye contact. Ruby turned her head immediately and walked really fast to the pokemon center.
She got her pokèmon all healed up and ready to take on Roxanne witch wasn't a challenge what so ever Beacause she had shrommish and treecko but after she finished off Roxanne, Treecko evolved into Grovyle. Witch was good,
While leaving the gym ruby saw a team magma admin running away from a professor. The professor was yelling about groudon or something,
"Ok seems like those people are the idiots I guess" Ruby though
"Ugh might as well." Ruby said running after the team magma admin.
"M-Miss you there p-please help me" a man yelled crying
"What happened sir?" Ruby asked
"That man stole my peko"
"My poor poor peko. Please can you get him back" the man asked
"I'll do what I can" Ruby said running into the cave. She saw the team magma admin crouching down looking at peko.
"HEY!" Ruby yelled Throwing ari's pokè ball, the team magma admin sent out zubat.
"USE PECK" ruby commanded
It landed a critical hit.
"Use quick attack" the team magma admin commanded
"dodge it" Ruby yelled
"Now use peck again" ruby commanded
But instead of peck ari learnd wing attack, And it finished off the  zubat
"Ugh you win kid here" the team magma admin said handing her some money and research papers.
But then the team magma admin ran off and out of the cave,
Ruby walked over picked up peko and walked out of the cave
"Uh thank you so much miss how can I ever repay you" the man said
"Don't worry about it." Ruby said
"Are you on a pokemon journey?" The man ask
"Yes actually I am" Ruby replied
"Well then you will need to go to dewford to challenge brawley" the man explained
"Well then I gess that's where I'm heading next" Ruby thought out loud
"I live right outside pettlebug forest so come find me when your ready to go to dewford" the man said walking off
"Never even got his name" Ruby said walking back into the main city.
"Um excuse me sir are you the professor that needed these papers?" Ruby asked
"Hm ah yes!" The professor said taking the papers from ruby hands.
"I though I would have to re wright these thank you so much for getting them back" the professor said
"The mayor would love to speak with for what you did come child" the professor said
"Uh o-ok then I gess" Ruby said
"Say kid you got a name?" The professor asked
"Oh my name is ruby" Ruby said.....

Ruby yawnd as she walked into the pokemon center.
"Next task is to find steven and give him a letter?" Ruby question herself
"Hi there miss welcome to the pokemon center" nurse joy said with a smile on her face.
"Hi can you take care of them for me" Ruby asked handing nurse joy her pokè balls,
"Of course" nurse joy said
"Thank you" Ruby replied.
Ruby sat down on a couch in the corner while wating for her pokemon.
"It just so happened that early today, Brawley the dewford gym leader had challenged our champion Steven stone earlier today" A news reporter said over the T.V
It had caught Rubys attention and laughed at it.
"Like anyone could defeat Steven stone" Ruby whispered under her breath
"Ruby I'm happy to report your pokemon are doing just fine" nurse joy said walking out of the back room
"Alright thanks" Ruby said taking her pokèballs.
"Anytime" nurse joy said
Ruby walked out of the pokemon center and out near the lake. She sat on the grass and released her pokemon.
"GROVIL" her Grovyle yelled
"Poochyena" her poochyena yelped
"Tail" her tailow cried while flying up
"Shroom" her shroomish yawnd
"hehe you guys are so funny" Ruby said digging into her bag
"Hey Everest go get it" Ruby said throwing a toy ball
"Everest what am I saying" Ruby thought
"CHEYANA"  poochyena cried in agreement
"Do you like that nickname?" Ruby asked
Her poochyena yelped in agreement......

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