chapter 19

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(The next day)
(Steven P.O.V)
Ruby and I walked into a cave and looked around.
"So your sure we can find a water stone shard in here"
I nodded. Ruby was heading to Flannerys gym and decided to evolve her eevee using a water stone.
"Down here" I said pointing down a hill like path that was on a steep angle I'd say 75 degrees steep.
"How far down is it?" Ruby asked
"Not that far just make sure you've got a tough grip on the walls" I explained
"Ok" Ruby whispered.
We slowly started making our way down, I kept a grip on Ruby's arm because I could tell her grip was loosing on the rocky walls.
When we got to the bottom Ruby walked up and put her hand in a river in the cave she looked side to side confused.
"It comes out from Rustboro making it's way over to Mossdeep" I explained
"So if we where to follow this River it would take us straight to Mossdeep?" Ruby asked
"Yeah" I said.
We searched around for a few minutes trying to find a water stone shard and when we did we heard.
The cry was so loud it shook the caverns
"What in the name if Arceus was that!?!?" Ruby asked.
"Sounds like latias" I said
"If it is we need to go check it out!" I said
"Right!" Ruby nodded.
I got to the top of the path and waited for Ruby cause she wasn't far behind but she slipped.
I grabbed her arm and pulled her up
"Thanks" Ruby said
"you're come on" I said. We ran out of the cave and Saw Latias floating there with a feared expression across it face.
She gave another cry and swerved around in a form of panic.
"Somethings not right here latias nor latios would come over to the main land unless something is wrong" I explained putting a hand on Latias head
"Well than something is wrong here" Ruby said
Latias turned to where her side was facing us telling us to ride on her back
"Come on" I said as I jumped up onto latias I helped Ruby up.
When latias Took off Ruby lost her grip...I grabbed her arm and said
"Hold on!"
"Sorry" Ruby said wrapping her arms around my waist I put one hand on her arm while keeping a grip on latias.
We landed a few minutes later on an island and we both jumped off.
"'Theres something unsettling about this place" I said
"Like a butterfly stomach feeling......cause that's the feeling I have" Ruby said
"Pretty much yes but it just seems worse" I said
"Lai~" latias flew over us and circled in the sky, so we followed
"C'mon" Ruby said
We ran up past a forest and froze when we saw to team magma grunts.
"Uff great your here" one said
"Miss cortney what do we do?" The grunt said
"Oh what do you think" The female one said
"We'll just take both latias and latios and since the champion is here take his team as well........oh and grab her eevee" cortney explained.
"Not happening" I said
Ruby walked forward
"You want them you gotta go through us first" Ruby said
"Very well then" Cortney said
"Camerupt your up" Cortney called
"Coffing go!" The other grunt yelled.
"Emerald take care of coffing!" Ruby called
"Help out Metagross!" I yelled.
That battle wasn't rough but It wasn't easy either, one attack after another we where getting through this battle.....
"Now use take down" Cortney called
"EVOI" Emerald got hit
"Emerald no!" Ruby said
"Hurry grab that Eevee now!" Cortney snapped
"Right miss Cortney" the grunt said....a bright purple light went off and a screen like force field showed in front of Emerald.
"That was light screen" I said
Before we new it a blue light surrounded Emerald......
"Speon~" An Espeon cried
"Emerald you evolved" Ruby said on a brink of tears.
"Now use swift let's go" Ruby called
"Earthquake!" I said
A purple beam came out in front of Emerald and hit the coffing. While rocks fell onto the Camerupt both causing the pokemon to faint.
"Igh...miss Cortney what do we do now?" The grunt asked
"Let's get out of here!" Cortney said and ran past me and Ruby.

(Ruby P.O.V)
They ran past me and Steven, I felt something bump my arm I turned to notice latios rubbing its head against my arm, was it asking to be pet?.... I was wrong
"It seems latios has taken quite an interest in you, it seems he wants to come along with you in the rest of you journey" Steven explained
"Do you actually want to come along?" I asked petting latios
"Tios~" It cried
Somthing then fell from its paw like hand. I looked at the object and Steven Froze
"Are you ok?" I asked
"May I see that" he asked
I handed him the object.
"Unexpected it's a shard of Latiosite" Steven said
"So your saying that its mega stone !?!?" I asked shocked
"Yes" Steven said
"Wich means you'll need this" Steven said. He handed me the stone and grabbed something from out of his pocket...
It was a keystone necklace with a moon charm on the side surrounding one half of the keystone.

I gasped and hovered my hand under the necklace. The keystone glew as the sun rays hit the surface of the Stone.
"Once your Grovyle Evolves you where gonna need one of these" Steven explained. Hooking the Necklace around my neck.
I hugged him
"Thanks so much" I said
"You where gonna need one sooner than later" Steven said
I turned back to latios and rubbed its head.
"And as for you" I pulled out an ultra ball.
"Are you sure" I asked
Latios tapped its head on the ultra ball. It shook once. Twice. And on the third time a red light went off....

Holy heck another long chapter this one took for ever....anyways hoped you enjoyed it. 1019 word holy FRICK.

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