chapter 5

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(Ruby P.O.V)
I walked into Brawly's gym confident.
"Then he shouldn't be a problem for you" Those words kept echoing in my head
"Another challenger I see" Brawly said
"Another challenger that's gonna leave in two minutes once I beat you" I said
"Alright then." Brawly replied
"You're on"
"Get out here machop!" Brawly yelled throwing a pokè ball.
"Alright ari let's do this" I yelled throwing ari's pokè ball.
"Use Double kick" Brawly commanded
" Dodge it quick" I yelled
Ari flew up into the air
"Good now use wing attack" I yelled
"Dodge it then use double kick" Brawly yelled
Ari was fast enough to hit machop.
"Get up machop!" Brawly yelled
"Arceus he'd be a good friend for trinity" I thought
"So much wonder why Steve wants me to be careful"
"Use wing attack one more time" I yelled
"TAILOW" ari chirped as he finished off machop
"Well done machop but returned" brawly said disappointed
"Don't get to comfortable this battle just heating up!" Brawly said
"Makuhita finish this bird off" brawly yelled in angerment
"Use double kick!" Brawly commanded
"Dodge it" I yelled
Though ari wasn't fast enough,
"A-air ca-can you still fight?" I asked shaking
"Ta-TAILOW" tailow chirped has he flew up above
"Good now use wing attack" I yelled.
It hit brawlys makuhita with a critical hit.
"USE DOUBLE KICK" brawly yelled.
"Look o-" before I could finish my sentence ari was kick to the ground and fainted
"Ari no!"I yelled
"So kid you going to flee" Brawly asked in attitude
"Your never gonna be good enough for a pokemon trainer"
"You might as yell give up"
"Your pathetic no ones gonna let you win"
Those words kept echoing and echoing getting louder and louder
"Well" Brawly asked
"I-I- I can" i said
"You can't?" Brawly askes
"Such a shame I was look-"
"I SAID I CAN" I yelled cutting Brawly off
"GET OUT HERE GROVYLE" I yelled. I recalled ari
"Use quick attack" I commanded
"Dodge it then use double kick!" Brawly yelled
Brawly makuhita had hit grovyle
"Come on Grovyle we can still win this I know we can" I yelled
Grovyle stood up like a blade. But then used leaf blade, able to finish off Brawly makuhita....
" show guts kid" brawly said
"I'm not lying when I say this but I sure am impressed"
"Thanks" I said I shook Brawlys hand
"Here to show you've beaten the dewford gym" Brawly said handing me the gym badge
"Just befo-"
"Sorry but no!" I cut him off.
I ran out of the gym and over to the pokemon center to heal up ari..........
"Hello welcome to the pokemon center" nurse joy said
"Hi can you take care of them for me please" I asked handing her Grovyle and ari's pokè balls
"Of course just give me a few minutes please" nurse joy said
"Ok thanks you" I said exhausted
After my pokemon where all healed up I got a room at the pokemon center and passed out on the bed....
"That was a rough battle.......but there just gonna keep getting harder and harder witch means I'm gonna have to keep training" I thought as I close my eyes and passed out.

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