Watching, Waiting, & Praying

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Hey guys! I am super sorry I haven't updated in a while with Christmas break and the AoS winter hiatus time has just flown by and I couldn't find the time to just sit and write. Anyways here is the long awaited chapter and I hope you enjoy it!

Simmons' POV

"Agent Melinda May, access granted. Agent Jemma Simmons, access granted." Breathe Simmons, breathe. I have to constantly keep reminding myself to breathe, just breathe.

Agent May and I are walking down the small medical wing of 'the Playground' to Fitz's hospital room. "May, I don't think I can do this. What if Fitz doesn't wake up?" I say whilst breathing heavily. "Simmons I know it's hard, to see your best friend lying in a hospital bed, but you've been beside him the whole time and..." May stops mid-way through and looks at me, now regret fills her eyes. "Oh man, I'm so sorry Simmons I didn't mean to." She says, probably feeling horrible now. "It's okay May, I know you didn't mean to." I say with a nervous smile, because I am nervous, really nervous.

It's been nine days since Fitz went into a coma and if he doesn't wake up soon, the doctors think he might never wake up. And I don't want to lose him. I can't...

*5 minutes later...*

I am sitting here watching, waiting, and praying for Fitz to wake up.

May is in the window room I was with Coulson in just yesterday. But I am right beside Fitz, just like he has always been with me. I know that May is in the room, but I start talking to Fitz anyways. "Hi Fitz, its Simmons. I need you to wake up, okay? We all miss you, I miss you. And when you wake we will do what we always do...we'll fix you, together."

I place my hand ever so gently on his. All of sudden I feel guilty, I am sitting here healthy as can be and Fitz is lying in a hospital bed, in a coma. "I'm so, so sorry Fitz. It's all my fault that this happened. I shouldn't have dragged you out into the field, we should be in a lab together. Happy and healthy. I am so sorry." I feel like crying, but I don't even have any tears left. I've used them all up, if that's even possible.

Now, all I want to do is just sit and watch Fitz. Hoping that somehow just by being here beside him. Talking to him. He will wake up.

I lift my hand off of his and something catches my eye. Hmm...that's peculiar. One of the monitors that show Fitz's brain activity just spiked.

That usually happens when...I can't believe it! I let my eyes slowly make their way to his face. His eyes are flickering. "Fitz!" I say a grin spreading ear to ear.

I hear a door whip open and May rushes to my side. "Coulson, get the team! Fitz is waking up." She says through her Comms. "Come on Fitz, you can do it. Come on wake up." Just as I say that, I see his beautiful, blue eyes open up for the first time in nine days.

What's happening now, makes me feel like I am being stabbed in the heart. All Fitz is doing is staring at me with such a helpless, confused look playing on his face. It hurts me to see him like this. He opens his mouth to talk but nothing comes out.

I choke back the tears that want to overflow out of my eyes and put on a smile. "Hey Fitz, it's about time you joined me." I say while rubbing his hand. Even though both our futures are so uncertain and scary. I am happy. The nine longest days of my life, are finally over.

Hiya! Ok so this chapter may have a been a wee bit confusing for those who have been reading my book from the beginning. You may have read it and had this reaction. "Fitz is waking up? I thought he already did?" Originally, yes he was already awake. But when I wrote the chapter 'You're More Than That' I decided I wanted to change it to him waking up in this chapter. So if you would like you can go back and read the revised chapters (where Fitz is still in a coma) . But don't feel you need to. :) I hope you like this chapter and please comment and vote! I love hearing from you guys! Byeeeeeee

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