Philinda...need I say more?

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Coulson's POV

"I need somewhere to just sit and relax." I say in my head. My office is definitely not where I want to go. Fitz's medical file is on my desk and I really don't want to look at it after what I just had to tell Simmons. Well, it was more I started to tell her and she finished my sentence. She usually does that when she's nervous, or with Fitz. I start walking down one of the many, busy halls in "the Playground" when I see May walking towards me. "Hey Coulson." She says with her usual poker face. "Hello Agent May." I say in a goofy voice trying to mask everything I am feeling right now. "What's wrong Coulson?" She says with a tinge of concern ringing in her voice. For some reason whenever something is wrong with one of us, we can sense it, even when it doesn't seem that way to other people. "Let's go somewhere less crowded." I tell her as I point to one of the halls that line the hallway. I know the perfect place to go.


10 minutes later...

We sit down in the cockpit of our team's Bus, May in the pilot's seat me in the co-pilots seat as per usual. After what Garrett and his "followers" (I guess you could call them that) did to the Bus it's grounded for repairs at the Playground. Despite all of that, the cockpit was still the exact same way it was before everything changed. "Phil, tell me what's wrong. It's really bugging you." I love it when she calls me by my first name, it reminds me of the old days. "I told Simmons about Fitz's condition." I say letting the saddness flood my tone. " did she take the news?" May says, obviously concerned about the bio-chemist. "Not very good I'm afraid, but I think she will be ok. Ward," I pause halfway. Saying his name is like having soap in my mouth, "he can try as hard as he wants, but he will never break up this team, especially FitzSimmons. They are meant to be together. While May and I are sitting in peaceful silence a young S.H.I.E.L.D. agent comes on the comms. "Umm...Director Coulson? Sir, your S.H.I.E.L.D. team is needed for a mission ASAP." Oh great! Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse I have a S.H.I.E.L.D. agents barking orders at me! I guess May could tell I was stressed because when I got up to go get the team. She stopped me, put her hands on my shoulders, and said, "Phil, don't stress yourself out. Just because your the Director doesn't mean everything that happens is your fault." I give her a brief, sad smile and walk away. Oh May, if only that was true...

Heyo! Sorry for the long, overdue (and probably boring) chapter. I started writing it and thought it would be really good but now I am having second thoughts :/. I would love it if any of you who read this could give me some feedback! (I prefer critiquing not criticizing (: ) So yeah, I am going to go now byeeee!

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