Hidden Feelings

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Skye's POV

I am on my way to my bunk when I see the door to Fitz's bunk halfway open. "Simmons." I whisper so quietly I can barely hear myself. I open the door all the way and see Simmons sitting at Fitz's desk, in an oversized (probably Fitz's) gray S.H.I.E.L.D. sweatshirt. I thought she would notice me, but she hasn't so I walk closer towards her and realize she is a million miles away. Probably thinking about Fitz. "Should I bother her?" I think to myself. I'll just stand here for a minute and see if she notices me. After a minute I decide to break the silence, "Hi Simmons." I say nervously, I hope she won't get mad at me. "Oh, hi Skye I didn't see you there." Simmons says softly. I sit down on the edge of Fitz's bed and look at the window ledge, which is filled with pictures of FitzSimmons. "You must miss him a lot." I say trying to be compassionate. I am probably doing a horrible job. "More and more everyday. I just wish the Dire- Coulson would just let me go in and see him, and talk to him." Simmons barely finishes speaking when tears flood her eyes and spill down her cheeks. "Sitting at a window, watching my best friend in the whole world trying just to breathe-" Her voice cracked because of the painful words coming out of her mouth. "And being forced to just sit and watch him try so hard..." Simmons says, making her tears come harder. I get up, go over to her, and pull her into a sisterly hug. "Shh...it's okay, you guys will get through this. I know you will. And I will always be here for you if you just want someone to listen." Now I am trying to hold back tears of my own. Why did Ward have to do this? He caused two people -who couldn't be more perfectly matched- to have their lives ruined, flipped upside down. What did they ever do to him to deserve this? Nothing, they are the most kind, funny, quirky people I have ever known. We don't even know if Fitz will recover fully from the brain damage. I wonder if I could find out...after all, I am a computer hacker.


Whew! That one was a hard one for me to write. The feels!!!! I have to say a few tears may have been shed over the past couple of chapters...anyways! I'm gonna go now before I embarrass myself even more, so byeeee! :)

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