A Bad Feeling

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May's POV

I am going over the mission in my head while sitting in Coulson's office. It should be simple. A S.H.I.E.L.D. agent is being held hostage at a HYDRA base not too far from our current location. The plan is easy, we go in, take down all the HYDRA agents, rescue our agent, and bring him back to 'the Playground' (our home base, I guess you could say.) So my question is why do I have the weird feeling that I get in my gut when a mission will take a turn for the worst? I escape my troubling thoughts to see Coulson bringing Simmons and Skye into the room. "Umm, sir? I thought I would have agent Triplett, if anyone, on the mission with me?" I say surprised as to why I have to bring the girls on the mission. "Oh yes, about that. I made a few slight changes to your team. I think Simmons and Skye should go with you. After all, this is an easy mission and they really want more field assignments." Coulson says, using his 'I am the director, so do as I say' voice. Which I hate might I add. "Fine, but why do we need Simmons? I thought it was just a hostage, not science-y stuff?" I say emphasizing the word fine. "Yes sir, I was wondering the same thing as agent May." Simmons says in her squeaky, British voice. "Well, there are some new reports that the base our agent is being held at is a lab base. That's why I need Simmons to go with you, to explore the things inside the lab and make sure our agent hasn't been 'experimented' on." Once Coulson stops the lecture he hands each of us a white, S.H.I.E.L.D. folder that has more details on the mission. "Be ready to leave in 2 hours." Coulson says, dismissing us from his office. "Yes sir." The 3 of us say, all with different meaning though. Simmons says it almost as if she is thanking him for the mission, to distract her from Fitz probably. Skye says it as any normal agent would. And me, well let's just say I don't have a good feeling at all about this mission so I am not very happy to say the least.


1 and a half hours later...ish.

"May how much looongggerr?! I thought Coulson said it wasn't too far from here!" Skye groaned from the back of our van. "Skye be more patient! Coulson probably was implying that we would not need to take the Bus. Not that the ride would be short." Simmons says to Skye as if she's annoyed. Then they start arguing over who's right and who's wrong. "Quiet! Both of you!" I accidentally snapped at them, like a parent trying to break up a kids argument. "Sorry agent May." Simmons says, then she lightly elbows Skye. "Yeah whatever, sorry May." Skye mumbles with attitude.


Half an hour later...

"Ok, do you two remember the plan?" I want to be one hundred percent sure they do, the bad feeling still hasn't gone away. The bio-chemists British voice chimes in and answers my question. "Yes agent May, agent Skye will be rescuing the hostage, while I collect anything I can get my hands on in the lab, and you will be covering us, taking down any HYDRA agents that are present at the base." Simmons is such a good listener...if only Skye was too. "Get it Skye?" Skye nods her head in response. "Ok let's go, and girls...please be careful." I say trying my best to hold back the uneasiness I'm feeling.

We all get out of the van and as quietly as possible make our way to a big, tall, black brick building. Just as we get in the building (thanks to Skye's hacking skills) bullets start piercing the air. Just as I try to yell orders, I hear Simmons scream. "Skye! No!"
To be continued.....

Heyo, I want to know what you all think of this cliffhanger! Its my first time trying to write something like that so bear with me! (:

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