Author's Note 2 (not an update)

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Whaaaaaaat? *says in minion voice* Oh my gosh this is so cool 500 reads!!!!!!!!! Words can't even describe how I am feeling right now. Thank you guys so much for taking time to read my book, I hope you are liking it just as much as I am! I am having so much fun writing this book that I want to start doing some more books! So please comment any ideas you have of what kind of books you would like to see (ex. Another FitzSimmons :D, Philinda, All of AoS etc.). I am mostly just doing AoS right now, but possibly in the future I will branch out to the Avengers also. Well, I hope you guys all have an awesome, safe New Years and I will be back in the New Year with more of 'The Light at the End of the Tunnel'!!!!!! Byeeeeeee!!!!!!! :D :D

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