Recovering and Rebuilding ~ Part 2

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Simmons' POV

3 days later...

They are finally freeing Fitz from his jail cell of a hospital room. After 12 long days, everything is now in the past.

Now we have to focus on the present. Helping Fitz recover and get back to his old self, and rebuilding S.H.I.E.L.D. Fitz snaps me out of my daze. "Hey Jemma, can you help me with my--uh you know myyy...?" He points frustratingly to his lanyard. "Your lanyard Fitz?" I question trying to help him. "Yeah, my lan--yard." He says, determination etched on his face. I walk over to the small, hard hospital bed, grab Fitz's lanyard, and loop it over his head.

"Good job Fitz! With just a wee bit more time we will have you back to your old self." I am trying to be as optimistic as possible, but we really need faster progression.

Something is hindering him, or even making him worse dare I say it. I need to find out what that is... Fitz chuckles and starts talking. "If only I could pro--?" "Progress?" I say with a warm smile. I help him a bit more then I should, but I just can't help it. "Yeah, if only I could progress this fast with my hand," he waves his left hand in the air, "then I would be happy."

He says that sentence slowly and with a bit of hesitance, as he usually does now because of the, damage. We slowly start shuffling down the ward to the exit. "You know im gonna miss this place." Fitz remarks sarcastically. "Yeah, well I'm definitely not." I state, the last 12 days start flooding my mind again. "Jemma, you know I was being, umm..." Fitz pauses trying to get that one word. "Sarcastic? Yeah, I know." I say awkwardly. "Yeah, ok." Fitz says to end the conversation. Great, things just keep getting more awkward. Just what I need.

We get to the door so Fitz and I place our lanyards in front of the door's camera. "Agent Jemma Simmons, Agent Leopold Fitz." The electronic system states and opens the door.

We start walking down the hallway and it's the perfect time to get our 'plan' in motion. Coulson, myself, and the team planned a little something for Fitz and I volunteered (although to much resistance from the team) to get him into the lab without him knowing a thing.

"Okay Fitz, where would you like to go? We could go to the lab?" I say a bit too excitedly. Oh darn, now the plan's going to be all mucked up! "Jemma? Are you hiding somethin' from me?" Fitz says with a suspicious look on his face.

"Me? Hiding something? Pfft! I would never!" I nervously chuckle and then start briskly walking away, knowing he won't buy what I just said. "Jemma wait up!" Fitz starts walking faster and follows me to the lab.

"Surprise!" Coulson and the rest of team shout while popping out of random places in the lab. I look at them defeat washed over my face. "Not much of a surprise." I say while stepping to my place in the lab. Fitz walks into the lab. "Thanks guys." Fitz smiles, then he starts playing with huskies sweater.

30 minutes later...

We start cleaning up the mini-party, which was mostly the team looking at security footage trying to find Skye, when an alarm starts going off. "Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" I make eye contact with Coulson and he is just as confused as I am. May, Coulson, and I all grab guns (well I grab a night-night gun) and head to the main door to the Playground.

We get to the door and I check the door's camera. I see a brunette standing rather impatiently at the door. "Skye?" I say dumbfounded. "Skye?!" Coulson and May say at the same time and look at each other.

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