
16.6K 400 53

Amelie and Mabel entered the lounge and took a moment to catch some breath after walking four stairs.

"Jeez, what a workout," Mabel breathed.

"And it's only four stairs," Amelie added and took a deep breath. They looked at each other, and they both giggled. "My endurance is hard to find these days." Amelie started to walk towards the Paddock Club. "Anyway, this is the Paddock Club, you can enter the place, I can't."

Mabel stretched her back and shook her head. "I will stay with you. I have seen all the practices and the qualification from here, and I can see you don't have much to do, so we will watch the race together. Some best friend tea time, woman."

"Really?" Mabel nodded. "You're the best. But I'm not walking down the stairs again, I just walked up the stairs, and I am dying. So just to let you know," Amelie breathed.

"Oh, hell no," Mabel chuckled and shook her head. "We will just sit here, if it is possible, and I can get food from the Paddock Club. And only if you can be here." 

Amelie looked around and spotted some attributes to sit on outside. "I have my laptop and Martin and David commentating and giving all the updates in my in-ears. And the updates on my screen." She didn't mind watching the race from a different perspective, change for once was right. And as long Amelie would pay attention to the race, everything would be fine. "This will be fine."

"Then let's do it," Mabel excitedly said. "What do you want? I will get it for you, it's free. And free is what we like, so..." She winked and cheekily smiled.

God, what did I miss someone like Mabel on my side... A smile grew on her face. "A sandwich, just look if there's something delicious. I will be there," she said and pointed at the balcony.

"Cake it is."

Amelie laughed and walked to the balcony. She sat down on the windowsill and let her eyes glide over the view; the perfect view on the start. This weekend was to Amelie's surprise one of her best one's, she really enjoyed working. Not only because of Lando or because she had the family situation under control, but also because Mabel was there and there was just a fantastic ambience around the track. Amelie and Mabel had the most immense fun, they were always laughing and teasing around when possible. It wasn't just Sky Sports anymore, but the Mil & May show. Amelie suddenly started to appreciate everything more, she valued her life more - besides all the dramas.

"Oh, my god," Mabel said once she sat down next to Amelie. "I just cannot act normal, that is impossible. I am so awkward," she stammered and gave Amelie a plate with a chocolate cake.


Mabel laughed of embarrassment. "I was getting the cakes and drinks, and Patrick fucking Dempsey was standing next to me. And he was helping me because I was just an awkward, clumsy ass. But I could see he was judging because this is a lot for one person and I said to him: it's not only for me. And he just laughed. But I died. He is Patrick Dempsey, Patrick fucking Dempsey."

A laughed rolled over Amelie's lips, she could see Mabel in this situation. "At least you can say Patrick helped you." She took a bite from the cake. "Thanks, by the way."

"Patrick Dempsey... But he is handsome. I have talked to McDreamy."

"Oh, girl, how awful." Amelie's eyes were focussed on the start, just a few more minutes. "He's giving one of the prices later this afternoon. But you can check his name off your awkward moments list. Goals."

The race started, both of the girls were eating the cake while watching the start. Max had a bad start, but Lando, on the other hand, had a fantastic start. The first few laps were exciting, Amelie was focussed on every change, but that didn't last for long.

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